Unit 2 Lesson 5 Flashcards
He argued that the different kinds of social relations that are generated by the economic production of human beings of a particular society shape the entire life, beliefs, and activities of that society.
Karl Marx
Society where agriculture is the main pillar of production, hierarchical social relations are produced owing to the inequality between landlords and the landless peasants.
Feudal Society
Refers to relations among people who share the same class interests in relation to the means of production.
It is dependent on the access to the ownership of the means of production.
Those who own and monopolize the means of production in the classic Marxist analysis, under capitalism are called what?
Bourgeoisie or Capitalists.
Those who own nothing except to sell their labor power in the market are called what?
French word for proletariat.
A man who’s only wealth is his offspring. What is it?
Are real and objective entities that shape the way people think about themselves and how they relate to others in the real word.
What are the three types of class according to Marx?
The Communist Manifesto referred to this class as “owners of the means of social production and employers of wage labor.”
This class is said to be “the class of modern wage-laborers who, having no means of production of their own, are reduced to seeking their labor-power in order to live.”
Proletariat or the Working Class
Marx included this as the “dangerous class”, which is said to be composed of the social scum, that passively rotting mass thrown off by the lowest layers of old society.”
He defined class as a category of individuals who (1) “have in common a specific casual component of their life chances in so far as (2) this component is represented by economic interests in the possession of goods and opportunities for income, and (3) it is represented under the conditions of the commodity or labor market.”
Max Weber
Designated the differentiation of groups in the “communal” sphere in terms of their social honor and social standing.
It is a system of social stratification that differs from class in its rigidity and in the basis of legitimation.
Caste System
The caste system is also called what?
Closed System
The class system is what?
Relatively open
Karl Marx’s famous essay which he characterized the Indian castes as “the most decisive impediment to India’s progress and power.”
The Future Results of British Rule in India
Other term for untouchables which means broken people.
Individuals are positioned according to their access to the means of production and contribution to productive labor under this system.
Class System
American Sociologist who proposed an education-based meritocracy.
Daniel Bell
When people are allowed and are capable of moving from one stratum or class to another class, it is called what?
Social Mobility
According to Bruce and Yearley this signifies the movement of people between positions in a system of social stratification.
Social Mobility
According to Peter Saunders, this term has been borrowed by sociologists from the science of geology.
In geology, this refers to the accumulated strata of rock.
According to Max Weber, these are normally communities.
Status Groups
This refers to life chances that are determined by social honor or prestige.
This refers to the forms of knowledge, educational credentials, and artistic taste that a person acquires from family background, which give them higher status in society.
Cultural Capital
Refers to resources based on group membership, relationships, and network influence and support. Bourdieu described it as “the aggregate of the actual or potential resources linked to possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition.”
Social Capital
What book did Bordieu referred to symbolic capital as the acquisition of a reputation?
It is the acquisition of a reputation for competence and an image of respectability and honourability.
Symbolic Capital
This refers to the personal psychological dispositions of a person that are shaped by these forms of capital and family background, while also modifying them in light of engagement with the social world.
Bordieu defined this as an acquired system of generative schemes objectively adjusted to the particular conditions in which it is constituted.
A British sociologist who explained the multiplication of risks in a new globalized economy.
Anthony Giddens
It is the process of progressive growth of economic activities and can be seen as the increasing movement of goods and services as well as human resources through trade and investments among nations.
What are the two important ingredients of globalization?
Trade Liberation Policy
International Trade
Meaning of ITO
International Trade Organization
Meaning of EU
European Union
Meaning of NAFTA
North American Free Trade Agreement
Meaning of APEC
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Meaning of ASEAN
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Meaning of MERCOSUR
Common Market of the South
Meaning of IMF
International Monetary Fund
Meaning of WTO
World Trade Organization
It is an organization that supervises and liberalizes international trade. It is one of the pillars of economic globalization.
Another globalizing force which influence national government policies through their ability to invest and reinvent capital, relocate factories, and influence other similar companies in either investing or boycotting a country.
Transnational Corporations
It is a national company with foreign subsidiaries.
Multinational Company
It happens when one company takes over controlling the interest in another company.
Occurs when two or more corporations are combined into a new corporation.
What is the biggest acquisition so far?
America online acquiring Time Warner
Many TNC’s are now moving towards ________ and developing an ethical standard for their worldwide operations.
Corporate social responsibility
World system analysis is popularized by whom?
Immanuel Wallerstein
These countries do capital-intensive, high value-adding production.
Core or advanced industrial countries
Also known as less developed countries that do labor-intensive, low value adding production.
Peripheral societies
Also known as the belief in endless growth which simply advocated for continuous growth and rejected any notion of limits to the environment and resources.
Productivist Paradigm
Herman Daly is a proponent of what?
Ecological Economics
What is the meaning of EPA?
Economic Partnership Agreement
This symbolizes the relative positions of the developed and developing world in the global political economy.
Ukay Ukay
It is extensively used in clothing and manufacturing.
Other term for man-made risks
Manufactured risks
Anthony Giddens coined what term?
Giddens Paradox
It is the pillar of social reproduction.
Economic Structure
Who is the father of scientific socialism?
Karl Marx