Unit 2 Lesson 4 Flashcards
These are important in reproducing the existing belief system and practices of a particular society.
Educational Institutions
He proposed that education could cure social ills and that education is the great equalizer by giving people the knowledge and skills to contribute to national development.
Horace Mann
The belief that education is the great equalizer and the key to succeed in life.
A neo-Weberian sociologist who argued that education functions as a filter to perpetuate credentialism.
Randall Collins
Refers to the common practice of relying on earned credentials when hiring rather than on actual skills.
American economists who published the Schooling in Capitalist America.
Samuel Bowles
Herbert Gintis
Who are the French Sociologist and his colleague who studied the French educational system which showed how education is advantageous to middle class children by teaching and rewarding behaviors.
Pierre Bourdieu
Jean-Claude Passeron
He was famous for his analysis of reproduction of inequalities in higher education.
Pierre Bourdieu
He analyzed the difference between the linguistic code of the lower class and that of middle class students.
Basil Bernstein
Using Emile Durkheim’s structural functionalist analysis, Bernstein arrived at the conclusion that the lower class students follow what?
Restricted Linguistic Code
The middle class students follow what code?
Elaborated Linguistic Code
It is made possible through the massive promotion of educational technologies that support the utilization of information.
Knowledge economy
What does the UN Article states about education?
- Everyone has the right to education.
- Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
What is the republic act of the Philippines for women?
RA no. 9710, Magna Carta for Women.
More female workers deployed to work abroad is called?
Feminization of Labor Migration
It was named after the place where it was proposed, the University of Bologna where members voluntarily commit themselves to bringing some degree uniformity to the higher education systems of the wider Europe while maintaining a diversity of approaches.
Bologna Process.
An agreement signed in 1989, which is an international agreement among bodies responsible for accrediting engineering degree programs.
Washington Accord
Is concerned with relationships among and between individual countries and ‘presupposes the nation as the essential unit’
Full acronym of PISA, the international standard for measuring scores in universities.
Program for International Student Assessment
The application of corporate logic and culture to education which according to Kilakauer “rejects any plea of a fundamental difference”.
He defined the traditional role of the university as “the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake”
Robert Nisbet
One of the effects of internationalizing education is what?
In this paradigm, education was used by the nation-state to force individuals to surrender their ethnic and cultural attachments in exchange for citizenship.
Assimilationist Paradigm
Who is the father of American multicultural education?
James Banks
It is an inclusive concept used to describe a wide variety of school practices, programs and materials designed to help children from diverse groups to experience equality.
Multicultural Education
He once argued that education had taken over the function of the Church and religion in reproducing the capitalist social system.
Louis Althusser
It refers to the formal and informal process of transmitting the knowledge and skills from one generation to the next.