Unit 2 - International Trade and Investment Theories Flashcards
Three International Trade and Investment Theories (CIM)
- Classical Country-Based Trade Theories
- International Investment Theories
- Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories
FOUR Classical Country-Based Trade Theories (MARC)
- Mercantilism
- Absolute Advantage
- Relative Factor Endowment
- Comparative Advantage
A sixteenth-century economic philosophy which maintains that a country’s wealth is measured by its holding of GOLD and SILVER.
A country’s goal should be to increase the holdings of gold and silver by promoting exports and discouraging imports.
This theory is developed by Adam Smith.
Absolute Advantage
This theory suggests that a country’s wealth should export those goods and services for which it is more productive than other countries are and import those goods and services for which other countries are more productive than it is.
Absolute Advantage
It is a theory developed by David Ricardo, an early 19th century British economist.
Comparative Advantage
It states that a country should produce and export those goods and services for which it is relatively more productive than other countries are and import those goods and services for which other countries are relatively more productive than it is.
Comparative Advantage
It incorporates the concept of opportunity cost.
Comparative Advantage
It is the value of what us given up.
Opportunity Cost
- Also known as Heckscher-Ohlin Theory
- Developed by Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin
Relative Factor Endowments
This theory states that a country will have a comparative advantage in producing products that intensively use resources it has in abundance.
Relative Factor Endowments
FOUR Modern Firm-Based Trade Theories (CPGP)
- Country Similarity Theory
- Product Life Cycle Theory
- Global Strategic Rivalry Theory
- Porter’s National Competetive Advantage
This theory suggests that most trade in manufactured goods should be between countries with similar per capita income and that intraindustry trade in manufactured goods should be common.
Country Similarity Theory
It is the trade between two countries of goods produced by the same industry.