Unit 1 - Introduction to International Business Flashcards
Business felt the importance of widening their market areas by being ______ not just ________ or even _______.
International Business
Why do companies go international? (9: CAM CoM FoG TA)
- Cheap Labor
- Availability of Resources (RM, Labor/Manpower, Management, Technology)
- Market Expansion/Emergence of New Markets
- To compete (globally)
- To maximize profits
- Foreign Competition
- Global Competition
- Tax Incentives
- Avoiding exposures to competitors
It is the ability of a country to produce a greater quantity of a good or service with the same quantity of inputs per unit of time.
It is something we cannot copy.
Absolute Advantage
China prohibits labor union. T or F?
SAUDI ARABIA prohibits labor union.
Countries with cheap labor
- particularly developing countries
- China, India, Philippines, and African continent
Countries with high labor
- European countries
- Singapore
Countries that reserves top management positions to its nationals.
Japan and South Korea
It refers to strategies used to REDUCE or MANAGE THE RISK of financial losses. It often involves making investments or using financial instruments that will offset potential losses in another investment. Essentially, it’s like taking out insurance to protect against uncertain outcomes, such as fluctuations in prices or exchange rates.
In economic zones, there is tax holiday. T or F?
If the level of competition is already stiff, they go to a country with lesser competition.
- Why do companies go international?
Avoiding exposures to competitors
Factors that contributed to the acceleration of internatiol business (6: I C CoBain PLa)
- Industrial Revolution
- Commercial Documents
- Commercial Law
- Banking Institutions
- Ports of Entry
- Laissez faire
It is the period in the 18th and 19th centuries which, in Western Europe, was characterized by rapid industrialization and the widespread mechanization of production processes.
Industrial Revolution
- It is the current and developing environment in which disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are changing the way modern people live and work.
- It describes the rapid technological advancements in the 21st Century.
4IR or Fourth Industrial Revolution
It is improved recording and bookkeeping; the use of commercial and investment papers (e.g. bills of exchange, checks).
Commercial Documents
It is the fair practice by traders to protect the interests of the parties involved.
Commercial Law
This is the reason why goods are able to move at a faster pace from one nation to another than otherwise would be the case.
Example is the use of commercial letters of credit as a means of financing foreign
trade shipments.
Banking Institutions
- It aims to improve the country’s payment infrastructure and ensure a reliable financial ecosystem.
- Philippines use one payment system established and controlled/managed by BSP.
Multi-Interbank Payment System (MIPS)
The two ports of entry managed by BOC.
Airport and Seaport
- 1st world country
- Its development has a master plan.
- Continuity Program
It is simply a domestic port open to both foreign and coastwise trade.
Ports of Entry
In the Philippines, only articles imported into the country that are subject to duty shall be entered through a customhouse at a port of entry. T or F?
- Whether subiect to duty or not, it should enter through a customhouse at a port of entry.
It is a doctrine which demand the minimum interference by the government in economic and political affairs.
Laissez Faire
Stages of International Involvement (5: DRIMG)
- Domestic
- Regional Exporter/Exporter
- International
- Multinational
- Global
It operates exclusively within a single country (home country)
It operates within a GEOGRAPHICALLY DEFINE REGION (trade areas: NAFTA, ASEAN, etc.) that crosses national boundaries.
Regional Exporter/Exporter
The MANUFACTURING and ASSEMBLY, MARKERTING and SALES are decentralized beyond the home region; however, key decisions are made and coordinated from a CENTRAL OFFICE.
The companies run INDEPENDENT and mainly SELF-SUFFICIENT subsidiaries in a range of countries; operations are STANDARDIZED
It is a HIGHLY DECENTRALIZED organization operating across a broad range of countries. Almost all functions (R&D, manufacturing, marketing and sales) are performed in the location around the world.
Types of International Business (4: FoLi FraD)
- Foreign Trade
- Licensing
- Franchising
- Direct Investment
- It is the most common, most fundamental, largest type of international business.
- Visible physical goods or commodities move between countries as export or import.
Foreign/International Trade