Unit 2 Flashcards
Antinatalist policy
Government policy that supports lower birth rates ex: Japan
Arthmetic density
People/land area
Carrying capacity
Maximum population size of a species that the environment can sustain indefinitely
an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
What is CBR
Crude birth rate live births / years divided by 1,000 people
What is CDR
Crude death rate, deaths / year divided by 1,000 people
Demographic transition
A process of change in a society’s population from high crude brith and death rates and low rate of natural increase to the opposite which is low crude birth and death rates and low rate of natural increase and higher population.
Portion of earths surface occupied by permanent human settlement
Epidemiological transition
Focuses on distinctive health threats in each stage of the demographic transition
Mapthus Thomas
1798, theory, population wille exceed food supply, argued that food production would increase arithmetically but population would grow geometrically
Maternal mortality rate
of pregnancy- related female deaths/ divided by 100,000 live births
Natural increase rate (NIR)
The percentage by which a population grows in a year
Amount of people exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living
Population pyramid
Displays percentage of a place’s population for gender and age
Pronatalist policies
Government policy that supports higher birth rates
Sex ratio / gender ration
of males / 100 females