Unit 2 essay questions/judgement Flashcards
Extent to which economic problems of 1919-1923 solved by 1928? P
✅After the depression Germany was left in an extremely vulnerable position, with the economic problem being a forefront cause of its problems. Therefore this was a priority for the government to solve, their efforts should be indefinitely acknowledged with the economic solutions often having positive knock on social effects.
❌ Although by 1928 Germany was not close to its pre-war economy due to the instability and lack of independence to survive on its own
Evidence that the economic issues were solves by 1928?
- Most significantly to illustrate that issues had been solved is the inflation rate being close to 0,wages rising and consequently living standards improving in 1924
- American loans helped to stimulate the economy (incl Dawes plan)
- Acute housing shortage overcome by govt building 180,000 dwellings in 1925
- Number of strikes declines from 1974 in 1924 to 739 in 1928 due to the new compulsory arbitration system
- Real wages increased by 9% in 1927
Evidence that the economic issues were not solves by 1928?
- Unemployment was a continuing problem, by the end of 1925 unemployment had reached 1 mill and by end of 1926 it was over 3 mil
- Due to people seeking work, public spending cuts and due to companies reducing their workforce to increase efficiency
- The mining companies reduced their workforces by 136,000 between 1922 and 1926
- Middle class gained very little, bankrupted by hyperinflation of 1923 the improved economic climate did not help (many industrial sector wages had been drawn level with the middle class)
- White collar workers did not enjoy the wage rises of the industrial sector
explain as to how economic issues were solved?
The German economy seemed to be in a much more stable and prosperous state due to the new currency, the Dawes Plan and Schacht’s work. As evidenced this clearly had a significant impact on the economic situation, being able to solve the inflation issue which led to an increase in social standards. Thus whilst all the economic problems of the depression were not completely solved by 1928 the most important and detrimental issues had been.
explain as to how economic issues were not solved?
Whilst on the outside it seemed like the issues of the depression had been fixed there realistically lay a variety of smaller problems within the economic system which could have extreme impacts if not sorted. For example, if short-term loans were called in, a large section of the economy would collapse. Whilst the normal individual may not acknowledge such issues these are the type of situations that can be extremely damaging for an economy and ultimately signify that the problems had not been resolved completely
Significance of social and cultural change - which group saw most change ?
youths saw most changes
As Germany experience a golden age both socially and culturally there was a less significant change socially although the weimar constitution gave German citizens more rights,freedom,opportunities and greater equality than they had ever had before.Resulting in conflict between those who challenged traditional values in the name of ‘modernity’ and those who resisted these changes in attempt to preserves social stability and an older,specifically German way of life.
Significance of social and cultural change - which group saw most change ? P
- One group that seemed to experience significant change was young people, although these changes were not positive.
- Willing women were also able to experience considerable change to their livelihoods after the war. With the 2 million war death being majority men women’s place in society improved dramatically
evidence of youth experiencing change?
- Selective education in which the middle and upper classes would be selected to go to gymnasium schools whilst rest expected to get apprenticeships
- Resulting in high unemployment (1925 17% of unemployed were 14-21) and increase in gangs as young people would join for a sense of comradeship,sense of adventure and mutual support
- Youth groups such as wandervogel becoming more popular in which boys would hike in forest and swim in lakes, rejecting middle class social conventions and instead romanticising german past with their nationalistic views
evidence of women lives changing?
-New woman ideology was portrayed as free,independent and sexually liberated
- Supported constitutionally through equal voting rights and access to education
- Supported socially by the availability of birth control,declining birth rate and an increase in the workforce (by 1925 36% of workforce were women)
But women were
- paid less
- conservative press called it a ‘birth strike’
- there were no female representatives in the reichstag
To what extent was the Weimar republic stable/unstable politically by the end of 1928?
When viewed in comparison to the early years of the Weimar republic the period of 1924-2028 can indefinitely be interpreted as a time of political stability. Although how much this stability would be able to ‘put up with’ and for how long is a valid question to ask.
why was the Weimar Republic stable by 1928?
- decline in support for extremists
- election of Hindenburg in 1925
evidence for decline in support for extremists?
- KPD went from 62 deputies in may 1924 to 54 in 1928, DNVP went from 95 to 45 and the Nazis went from 32 to 12 (support for anti-democratic parties was falling)
- KPD has lost their chance of revolution and therefore there main priority became attacking the SPD ➡️ divided anti-nazi support
- DNVP lost support in 1928 election after joining Luther cabinet in 1926 and the Marx cabinet in 1927 so returned to their anti-democratic policies
- At the end of 1927 the nazi party had only 75000 members (threat massively reduced)
explanation for decline in support for extremists?
The instability caused in the earlier years was mainly due to the threat of extremist parties being able to overthrow the weimar. Therefore when the support for the extremists declined the support for the other parties increased, making fairer and safer elections allowing the government to focus on other issues rather than security.
evidence for the appointment of Hindeburg for stability?
Hinedburg stuck closely to the letter of the Weimar constitution and did not abuse his powers
The 1925 election was crucial in reconciling at least existence of the republic and to playing a more constructive role in making parliamentary democracy work
The old elites who originally viewed the republic as being born out of betrayal of the fatherland views were changed by Hinedburgs appointment due to the belief that he would steer Germany back towards a more authoritarian form of government
explanation for Hindeburg being reason for stability?
This is so significant because the Weimar could only be truly stable if it succeeded in winning the support and loyalty of the majority of its citizens, with the more influential (and thus most important) citizens being the elites. Although Hinedenburg was not able to reform every person’s idea of the republic ,such as the middle class who had suffered harshly, he was able to have a significant enough impact for people to put their trust into government again which had not be experienced for a long time.