Unit 2: Deployed Organizations Flashcards
a. Explain organization for National Security b. Explain Joint Force Organization c. Explain the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff d. Explain living in a Joint Environment e. Explain Combat Communications organizations and other Deployable Units
National Security Act of 1947
The President has used the SECDEF as his principal assistant relating to DoD matters
SecDef has statutory authority over the Military Departments
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS)
Provides direction to the President and SECDEF for Services Secretaries and Combat Commanders (CCDRs)
Secretary of Defense (SECDEF)
Principal assistant to the President for all matters relating to the DoD
Goldwater-Nichols DOD Reorganization Act of 1986 makes clear position in operational chain of command
President and SECDEF exercise authority
Two distinct branches:
1) President>SECDEF>CCDRs>forces assigned to CCDRs
2) President>SECDEF>Secretaries of Military Departments (used for purposes other than operational control)
National Security Council (NSC)
President’s principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with senior national security advisors and cabinet officials
Department of Defense (DoD)
Federal department charged with all functions of government relating to national security and military set forth in Title 10 of US Code
Functions of the DoD
- Support and defend the Constitution of the US
- Ensure, by effective military action, the security of the US
- Uphold and advance national policies and interests of the US
Joint Force Organization
Establish at three levels:
- Combatant (unified) and specified commands
- Subordinate unified commands
- Joint Task Forces (JTF)
Combatant Commands
CDRs in the chain of command exercise:
combatant command (command authority) (COCOM)
Can be delegated: operational control (OPCON) - base level tactical control (TACON) administrative control (ADCON)
Subordinate Unified Commands (Sub-unified Commands)
Commanders of sub unified commands exercise operational control of forces within an assigned Joint Operations Area (JOA)
Joint Task Force (JTF)
Anyone can establish, ex. SECDEF, CCDR, etc on a geographical area when the mission does not require overall centralized control of logistics
- single commander
- two or more service components
- specific, limited objective not requiring overall centralized control of logistics
- dissolved when objective is achieved
Organizing Joint Forces
Key conceptual considerations:
centralized planning & decentralized execution
Service components
All joint forces include Service components because administrative and logistic support for joint forces is provided through Service components
The JFC will normally delegate operational control (OPCON) to Service component commanders
Functional Components
JFC can establish when two or more Military Departments must operate in the same dimension to accomplish a distinct aspect of the assigned mission
Command relationship is normally tactical control (TACON)
Operational Areas
Area of Responsibility (AOR) - geographical area associated with a combatant command
Area of Operations (AO) - within an AOR, AF not assigned an AO
Theater of War - President, SECDEF, or geo CCDR may elect to define a theater of war within the geographic CCDR’s AOR
Theater of Operations - Geo CCDRs may define one or more theaters of operations - that are required to conduct specific combat operations - within a theater of war
Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff
Seven members:
- Chairman
- Vice Chairman
- Chief of Staff of the Army
- Chief of Naval Operations
- Chief of Staff of the Air Force
- Commandant of the Marine Corps
- Chief of the National Guard Bureau
Primary responsibility - ensure personnel readiness, etc of their respective Military Services, also act as military advisors
US Cyber Command
Ensure US and allied freedom of action in cyberspace, while denying the same to our adversaries
Focus - pulling together existing cyberspace resources, ex. Joint Information Enterprise (JIE)
Organization - Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER); 24 AF/AF Cyber Command (AFCYBER); Fleet Cyber Command (FLTCYBERCOM); Marine Forces Cyber Command (MARFORCYBER)
Deployable Units
5th Combat Communications Group - largest active duty combat comm in AF; missions include deployable Air Traffic Control and Landing Systems (ATCALS)
435 Air and Space Communications Group - USAFE’s only combat comm and C4ISR systems support for NATO and EUCOM; home to the 1st CBCS
644th CBCS - Guam; part of the 36th CRG
ACOMS - support AOCs
ACS - air picture integration from a CRC
ASOS - directing efforts of TACPs for lower levels of Army ops
Directorates of the Joint Staff
- Director of the Joint Staff
- DOM - Directorate of Management
- J1 - Personnel and Manpower
- J2 - Intelligence
- J3 - Operations
- J4 - Logistics
- J5 - Strategic Plans and Policy
- J6 - C4
- J7 - Operational Plans and Joint Force Development
- J8 - Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment