Unit 2 Data Management and Analysis Flashcards
What is parametric statistics
Make assumptions about the
distribution of the data. Usually data need to follow normal distributions. Powerful to detect Type I errors.
What is non-parametric statistics
Do not make assumptions. Data
usually transformed into ranks (qualitative, ordinal), i.e.
distribution free. Less powerful, more conservative.
What is the central tendency in descriptive statistics
Single value that attempts to describe a set of data by
identifying the central position within that set of data. Also
known as measures of central location.
- The mean or average is the most common.
Whats the mode
The most frequently recorded value in a set of data.
There could be more than one mode, e.g. mussel population structure data
Whats a sample mean
Calculating sample means is the best estimate of the true mean of a population.
More sampling, better estimation
What are measures of variability
numbers that describe the diversity
or dispersion in the distribution of a variable
Commonly used variation measures:
Range: crude measure of variability: minimum-maximum
values—Good to know if we’ve made mistakes entering
the data
Interquartile range: uses medians (ie boxplots)
◼ 1st quartile 25th percentile (first 25% values)
◼ 2nd quartile (Median) or 50th percentile (half the values)
◼ 3rd quartile (upper quartile) or 75th percentile
Ways variability (error) is calculated
Sum of Squares (SS) = represents a measure of deviation from the mean
Variance proper (sample) (S^2) is a measure of average
Standard Deviation (S): squared root of S^2 (measured in the
same units as your variable)
Standard Error of the mean (SEOM):
Coeficcient of variation (CV)
What are confidence intervals
Derived from the standard error of the mean (SE) Principle: if a sample from a population is very large the true mean of the population has 95% probability of lying within 1.96*SE.
Larger CIs, larger uncertainty….
Graphs & tests when want to test for normality
Histograms & Density plots, Q-Q Plots, Skewness & Kurtosis.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Shapiro-Wilk Test (: more appropriate for sample sizes <50)
When do you know whether to use non parametric or parametric tests
Parametric Analysis: Null hyp (Ho) - No sig diff from a normal distribution.
Non-Parametric Analysis: Alt hyp (Ha) - There is a sig diff from normal distribution.