Unit 2 Communication And Internet Technologies Flashcards
Describe serial data transmission
- Most reliable
- Data is sent one bit at a time down a single wire
- Bits are kept separate and low chance of data being skewed
- Used in USB
Describe parallel data transmission
- Data is sent multiple bits at a time down multiple wires
- Quite fast used integrated circuits
- Used short distance else high chance of data being skewed
- Data sent from computer to printer
Synchronous and Asynchronous data transmission
- Synchronous- data transmitted as a continuous stream, ensures data send and received are in sync
- Asynchronous- data transmitted in an agreed pattern using control bits, stops data from being mixed up
Describe USB
- Asynchronous serial data transmission
- When plugged in computer, automatically detected, device driver is loaded and communication can occur
- Can’t be inserted incorrectly
- Supports different transmission speeds
- Backward compatible
- Robust and portable
Describe integrated circuits
-Uses parallel data transmission
-IC require high speed
Internal clock used to correct timing of data making it synchronised
-Uses many wires
Simplex, duplex, half-duplex
-Data transmission in only one direction
-Data transmission both directions simultaneously
-Data transmission both directions but not at the same time
Why choose serial over parallel
- More accurate over long distance
- Less chance of interference that will skew or distort data
- Data will arrive in order
- Cheaper to purchase/install/maintain
Why choose parallel over serial
- Faster transmission speed
- Can send lots of data at one go
- More efficient short distances
Internet risks
- Phishing
- Pharming
- Spyware
- Hacking
- Dos
- Malware
- Viruses
- Worm
- Rootkit
- Backdoor
How to minimise risk of spyware
- Scans computer for spyware
- Removes/quarantines any spyware found
- Prevent spyware from being installed
Onscreen keyboard
- Key-logger can’t collect data of key press
- Can’t relay useful info to 3rd party
2 Factor Authentication
- Extra data sent to device
- Harder for hacker to obtain data
- Data has to be entered into same system if entered from remote location not accepted
- Can be software or hardware based
- Monitors incoming and outgoing traffic
- Allows criteria to be set
- Blocks access to signal that do not meet criteria
- Restricts access to specific applications
- Can also blacklist certain IP addresses and close certain ports
How to minimise risk of virus
- Scans computer for viruses daily
- Has a record of known viruses
- Removes/Quarantines any virus found
- Warns user of virus
- Checks data before downloaded
- Prevents download of virus found
Firewall/Proxy server
- Monitors incoming and outgoing traffic
- Allows setting of criteria
- Checks if traffic meets criteria
- Blocks traffic that does not meet criteria
- Can also blacklist certain IP addresses and close certain ports
How to minimise risk of hacking
Firewall/Proxy server
- Monitors incoming and outgoing traffic
- Allows setting of criteria
- Checks if traffic meets criteria
- Blocks traffic that does not meet criteria
- Can also blacklist certain IP addresses and close certain ports
- Use long and more random passwords
- Change it regularly
- Lock after a set attempts
- Data needed to enter is unique to individual
- Hard to replicate
- Lock after set attempts
2 Factor Authentication
- Extra data sent to device
- Hard for hacker to obtain
- Data entered needs to be in the same system, if attempted from remote location it’s not accepted
Describe Phishing and Pharming
− Legitimate looking email sent to user
− encourages user to click a link that directs user to a fake website
− User encouraged to enter personal details into a fake website // designed
to obtain personal details from a user
− Malicious code/malware is downloaded without users’ knowledge
− That re-directs user to fake website (when legitimate URL entered)
− User encouraged to enter personal details into a fake website
− Designed to obtain personal and sensitive details from a user
Role of a browser
- Allows user to view web pages
- Translates HTML into human readable language
- Allows user to bookmark
- Allows multiple features
- Stores cookies
- Has browsing history
- Allows file to be downloaded from web
- Manages HTTP/HTTPS protocols
Role of a ISP
- Provides access to internet for customer
- Can determine maximum bandwidth available for customers
- Monitors volume of data downloaded by customers
- Can provide an IP address for the customer
What is HTTPS
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
- It is a protocol/rules which must be followed when transmitting data over the World Wide Web
- Secure version of HTTP
- Secures website and data
- Uses TSL/SSL, methods of encryption
What is HTTP
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- It is a protocol/rules which must be followed when transmitting data over the World Wide Web
Describe HTML, structure and presentation
-Hyper text markup language, markup language
- Placement of text/image
- Margins
- Line break
- Padding
- Font colour
- Font style
- Background colour
- Image size
- Border properties
Benefits of HTML
- Can easily edit the style of the web page
- So CSS can be used to create a template
- Can add new content and apply same style easily
- Can re-use the presentation style for other websites
Describe how a cookie works and privacy issues related
-Small packets of data that are stored by the web browser
-Store a customer’s password
-To store a customer’s credit card details
-So they do not need to be re-entered in future
−To track what the customer has viewed on the website
-So can send them adverts that match their preferences
- Web server sends cookie file to users browser
- Users payment details stored in encrypted text file
- Cookie file stored by browser on users HDD/SSD
- When website is revisited, web server requests cookie file
- User does not see what info is stored
- User feels their privacy affected
- A profile could be built about user
- Identity exposed
- Sensitive info stored in cookies could be intercepted
What is MAC address
- Unique serial number assigned to each device
- Assigned by manufacturer
- Consists of hexadecimal numbers
- First half is manufacturer ID
- Second half is serial number
- Normally 64 bits in length
What is an IP address
- Assigned by network
- An IP address can be changed if dynamic
- IP address has 8 groups of values
- IP address is 128 bits
- Does not contain serial number
- IP given to every device by ISP that is connected to the internet
Describe the role of an operating system
− Provides an interface
− Loads / opens / installs / closes software
− Manages the hardware // manages peripherals // spooling
− Manages the transfer of programs into and out of memory
− Divides processing time // processor management
− Manages file handling
− Manages error handling // interrupt handling
− Manages security software
− Manages utility software
− Manages user accounts
− Multitasking
− Multiprogramming // time slicing
− Batch processing