Unit 2- China Flashcards
What is socialism?
Socialism is a political and economic theory or system in which factories, businesses and industries are owned by the community collectively, usually through social state.
What is communism?
communism is a political and economic system under which all inequalities would be eradicated. Wealth would be distributed equally. Unlike socialism a communist country would be a stateless society.
3 examples of political institutions?
- The Chinese communist party
- The politburo
- The National People’s Congress
What is the Chinese communist party?
They have ruled the country since 1949.
The current leader is Xi Jinping.
The party has over 87 million members.
The party oversees and influences many aspects of people lives.
Members get access to better information, their children get better schooling, and many jobs are only open to members.
What is the Politburo?
The country’s most senior decision making body and contains important people who work as part of the standing committee, heading a pyramid of power which tops every village and workplace.
Politburo members have never faced a competitive election, making it to the top thanks to their patrons, abilities.
Once a decision has been made all members are bound to it.
New members are chosen only after rigorous discussion and investigation of their backgrounds.
What is the national people’s congress?
The congress is made up of nearly 3,000 delegates elected by China’s provinces. Delegates hold office for five years, and the full congress is convened for one session each year.
It meets every couple of months.
Delegates loyalty is to the party and then 2nd to the congress.
Examples of political participation and limitations?
- Joining the CCP
- Voting in elections
- Campaigning during elections
- Taking part in protests and demonstrations
How do people join the CCP?
Chinese citizens have the right to join the CCP. Applicants need to be recommended by 2 or more existing members and then undergo exhaustive checks into their background and examination by their local party branch. They can face a years probation, involving training.
The CCP only makes up 6% of China’s population.
How can China vote in elections?
Elections are held every 3 years.
After a village election the winner is usually invited to join the CCP.
All citizens above the age of 18 have the right to vote and can be elected. Such an election comprised usually over no more than 2000 voters and the first past the post system is used in determining the winner.
How can people campaign during elections?
Chinese citizens have the right to campaign during village elections. Campaigning can include, posters, banners, door to door visits, badges, mega phones and public speeches. Campaigning has increased significantly at a local level from only an estimated of 10% of people campaigning in 2005 to well over 80% of people on 2014. However, this right is limited by the CCP and they keep a close eye on all campaigning groups.
How do people take part in protests and demonstrations?
While Chinese citizens can take part in protests, they are restricted in the areas that they are allowed to protest about. They are not allowed to take part in demonstrations which criticise the CCP or the political system. To be allowed to protest you must apply to the CCP for permission.
If you are found to be protesting against the CCP you can find yourself with a heavy jail sentences in prison camps.
What 3 ways did Deng Xiaping desire to communicate with the western world?
- Special economic zones (SEZ’s)
- Household responsibility system
- Four modernisations
What is the most successful SEZ in China?
How many people live in Shenzen?
Just over 12 million people. Just over 30 years ago it was a small fishing village
What is the special economic zone (SEZ’s)?
Special economic zones were essentially free trade areas where the government reduced tariffs or provided financial support to encourage economic investment. SEZs allowed geographical regions to run their economy separately from the rest of the country.
What was the cost of living in Shenzen?
Considerably lower than living in Hong-Kong.