Unit 2 - Chapter 3 Flashcards
Havoc (=Play havoc with)
a situation in which there is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially so that it is difficult for something to continue in the normal way SYN chaos
- Rain has continued to play havoc with sporting events.
to make a bad situation, an illness, or an injury worse OPP improve
- Building the new road will only aggravate the situation.
to officially and legally control a country and make all the decisions about taxes, laws, public services etc SYN rule - اداره کردن کشور
- the leaders who govern the country
- The party had been governing for seven months.
relating to a period of 24 hours, used especially when talking about changes in people’s bodies - ساعت بدن
- the body’s circadian rhythm
Sleep debt
کمبود خواب
to guess about the possible causes or effects of something, without knowing all the facts or details - حدس زدن
- Jones refused to speculate about what might happen.
- Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost.
someone who is bad-tempered becomes easily annoyed and talks in an angry way to people SYN irritable - بد اخلاق
- Her father was a bad-tempered man who sat alone drinking beer and watching TV most nights.
to practice or make people practice something such as a play or concert in order to prepare for a public performance - تمرین کردن
- I think we need to rehearse the first scene again.
- The band was rehearsing for their world tour.
a provisional arrangement is temporary and can be changed or replaced in the future - موقت
- I’ve made a booking at the hotel, but it’s only provisional - I’ll have to confirm it soon.
a sudden clear understanding of something or part of something, especially a complicated situation or idea - بینش - نگرش
- The article gives us a real insight into the causes of the present economic crisis.
the part of a woman’s or female animal’s body where her baby grows before it is born SYN uterus - رحم
a young person, usually between the ages of 12 and 18, who is developing into an adult - نوجوان
- adolescent girls
the stage of physical development during which you change from a child to an adult and are able to have children - بلوغ
- Fourteen is a fairly normal age for a girl to reach puberty.
to cut off some of the branches of a tree or bush to make it grow better - هرس کردن
- The roses need pruning.
to make something look neater by cutting small pieces off it - پیرایش و کوتاه کردن
- I have my hair trimmed every six weeks.
to make someone decide to do something - باعث شدن - برانگیختن
- What prompted you to buy that suit?
done in order to find out more about something - اکتشافی
- He’s going to have exploratory surgery on his knee.
on your face or relating to your face - مربوط به صورت
- Victor’s (facial expression = حالت صورت) didn’t change.
- facial hair
to make a wrong judgment about a person or situation SYN misinterpret - قضاوت اشتباه - اشتباه خواندن
- I think she misread the situation.
- The doctor must have misread the notes.
Gut reaction
a reaction or feeling that you are sure is right, although you cannot give a reason for it
- He had a gut feeling that Sarah was lying.
جلوی مغز
to control an activity or process, especially by rules - تنظیم کردن - کنترل کردن
- strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food
someone who looks after other people, especially a teacher, parent, nurse etc - سرپرست
a strong feeling of interest and enjoyment about something and an eagerness to be involved in it - اشتیاق
- Gillian and Darren greeted the speakers with great enthusiasm.
- I left university fired with enthusiasm for work.
the quality of being very careful to avoid danger or risks - احتیاط
- We must proceed with extreme caution.
something that people like or do for a short time, or that is fashionable for a short time - مد زودگذر
- Interest in organic food is not a fad, it’s here to stay.
to give an acceptable explanation for something that other people think is unreasonable - توجیه کردن
- How can we justify spending so much money on arms?
- I don’t have to justify myself to you or anyone else.
useful and helpful, or likely to produce good results - مفید و سازنده
- The meeting was very constructive.