Unit 2 Chapter 2: Freud Psychoanalysis Flashcards
Freud identified three levels of mental life, what were they?
What makes up the unconscious?
Early childhood experiences that create high levels of anxiety are repressed into the unconscious, where they may influence behavior, emotions, and attitudes for years.
What are some of the characteristics to remember about the unconscious?
1) Unconcscious does not mean dormant or inactive
2) Unconscious thoughts often strive towards being conscious and succeed albeit in a different form
What makes up the preconscious?
Events that are not associated with anxiety but are merely forgotten make up the contents of the preconscious.
What makes up the conscious?
Conscious images are those in awareness at any given time.
What are the three provinces of the mind?
Super ego
What is the id?
The id is unconscious, chaotic, out of contact with reality, and in service of the pleasure principle.
It is amoral and seeks pleasure without knowledge of what is real. (video games feel like progress but they aren’t and the id doesn’t care)
What is the pleasure principle?
The id’s move to always attempt to satisfy base desires
What is the ego?
The ego is the executive of personality, in contact with the real world, and in service of the reality principle.
(is concerned with “what is possible)
“It is the only regiion of the mind in contact with reality and has to make decisions that account for all regions of the mind as well as reality”
The ego has no strength of its own and can be compared to a persn riding a horse, you can train it and guide it but are ultimately at the mercy of the animal.
What is the super ego?
The superego serves the moral and idealistic principles and begins to form after the Oedipus complex is resolved.
(Is concerned with what is “proper”)
Guilt is the result when the ego acts—or even intends to act—contrary to the moral standards of the superego
he superego, however, is like the id in that it is completely ignorant of, and unconcerned with, the practicability of its requirements. “The super ego is not concerned with the happiness of the ego”
All motivation can be traced to sexual and aggressive drives.
What are the four parts that make up a drive? Explain them.
Impetus, -the amount of force it exerts;
Source, -its source is the region of the body in a state of excitation or tension
Aim, -its aim is to seek pleasure by removing that excitation or reducing the tension
Object; -is the person or thing that serves as the means through which the aim is satisfied
Childhood behaviors related to sex and aggression are often punished, which leads to either repression or anxiety.
To protect itself against anxiety, the ego initiates various defense mechanisms, the most basic of which is repression.
Freud outlined three major stages of development—what are they?
infancy, latency, and a genital period—but he devoted most attention to the infantile stage.