Unit 2: Chapter 12: Property Crime and Fraud Flashcards
What are the 4 types of property crime the FBI classifies as Part I offenses?
- Burglary
- Larceny-theft
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
Which property crime is attempted or completed “unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft”?
Which property crime is attempted or completed “unlawful taking, carrying, leading, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another”?
Which property crime is “any willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, a dwelling house, public building, motor vehicle or aircraft, personal property of another, etc”?
Which property crimes involve “making, altering, uttering, or possessing, with intent to defraud, anything false in the semblance of that which is true”?
Forgery and Counterfeiting
Which property crime involves “obtaining money or property by false pretenses”?
Which property crime is defined as “the misappropriation of misapplication of money or property entrusted to one’s care, custody, or control”?
What are Part I property crimes in the chapter 12 of the book?
Burglary, Larceny-theft, Motor-Vehicle Theft, and Arson
What are Part II property crimes in chapter 12 of the book?
Forgery, Counterfeiting, Fraud, Buying, receiving, and possessing stolen property, and Embezzlement
Which geographical area is property crime the highest in? Lowest?
Property crime is higher in the South. Lowest in the Northeast.
According to arrest data, what race and gender is the typical property offender?
White males
What does Social Organization of property crime?
refers to the roles that different property criminals play and the social networks that support their criminal ways
The book categorizes shoplifters as snitches and boosters. What are the differences between the two?
Most shoplifters are snitches, who steal merchandise of little value they keep for themselves. Booster, 10% of shoplifters, sell their stolen goods.
Describe the characteristics of a Low-skilled burglar.
Low-level burglars are adolescents and young adults who get together to commit spontaneous, unskilled burglaries. They typically spend only a few minutes in the residence they enter and steal only small amounts of money and items popular in their age group.
Describe the characteristics of a Middle-range burglar.
tend to be older; more apt to spend time searching for attractive targets; tend to act alone; more skilled than low-level burglars and more able to defeat home security systems; spend a fair amount of time in the residences they enter
Describe the characteristics of a High-level burglar.
most skilled of all; spend more time in residences; tend to act in groups of two or more; spend a lot of time planning their burglaries
The book describes the support system for burglars involving tipsters and fences. What are the definitions of the two?
Tipsters let burglars know when it’s safe to commit a crime and fences help the burglars get rid of their goods.
Households with higher incomes are more likely to be burglarized than households with lower incomes.
Households with lower incomes are more likely to be burglarized than households with higher incomes.
“A store is ripping us off or charging us too much, so we will rip it off”
What is this technique called that property crime offenders use to justify their illegal behavior?
neutralization, or rationalizations
The Routine Activities Theory is used to explain property crime. A property crime will occur when what 3 elements are combined?
- Absence of a capable guardian (door locks, security)
- A suitable victim
- A motivated offender
What is target hardening?
An effort to make it more difficult to burglarize.
What do the efforts of target hardening include?
Stronger locks, burglar alarms, and other home security means
What type of fraud involves acquiring someone else’s credit card number, Social Security number, bank account information, or other information that is then used for illegal economic gain, including the draining of an individual’s bank account?
Identity theft
Which type of fraud involves the intentional failure to pay all taxes owed?
Tax fraud, or tax evasion