Unit 2: Chapter 11: Violence Against Women Flashcards
What percent of women report experiencing physical violence in their lifetime?
How many women experience domestic violence in their lifetime?
How many female homicide victims were killed by an intimate partner?
In a survey of about 7,000 college students and 32 institutions, how many men reported they would rape if they knew they could get away with it?
There are very few rapists who are convicted.
Out of every 100 rapes, how many rapists will walk free?
What are the two categories of crime in which women’s rates of victimization are higher?
Sexual assault and domestic violence
Women are more likely to be attacked by people they don’t know.
Women are more likely to be attacked by people they know.
How many women across the world have been raped, beaten, or abused?
How many women does genital mutilation affect worldwide?
100 million
In what two countries do dowry deaths occur?
India and Pakistan
What is a dowry death?
Brides are supposed to pay groom money or goods and if they do not, the groom beats wife or murders their family.
What is femicide?
Murdering of women to obtain dominance over them.
What is the difference between intoxication and inebriation?
Intoxication means had a few drinks; drunk but still consciously aware of what is going on. Inebriation is like “Blacked out drunk” where individual is passing out, cannot make conscious decisions.
What is domestic violence?
: physical or emotional attacks committed by intimates; spouses, ex-spouses, boyfriend/girlfriends, ex-boyfriend/girlfriends.
• AKA Intimate partner violence; intimate violence
In the Power and Control Wheel, what are the 8 mechanisms used in domestic violence situations?
- Intimidation
- Emotional Abuse
- Isolation
- Minimizing, Denying, Blaming
- Using Children
- Economic Abuse
- Using Privilege
- Coercion and threats
Rape is more common than battery
Battery is more common than rape.
According to the NCVS, how many assaults occur per 1,000 women?
According to the American Psychological Association, how many of all U.S. women will be assaulted in their lifetime by a male partner?
Rape and Battering are usually less reported in upper income classes.
Explain the psychological approach in explaining rape and battery.
A psychological perspective assumes that many and even most rapists have psychological problems that predispose them to commit their crimes.
Explain the sociological approach in explaining rape and battery.
A sociological approach emphasizes the structural and cultural roots of rape and battering.
False rape claims are high.
0.6% false rape claims
What are the 4 phases in the cycle of violence
Tension builds
Explosion fight
“Honeymoon Phase”
What are the practical reasons women do not leave batterer?
1. Nowhere to go, especially if have children; Shelters are a short-term solution and often filled to capacity
2. No income; isolated from friends and family (often loose relationship with them due to frustration of watching cycles of violence)
3. Batterer will track them down, hurt them, make them return, or batterer has threatened to hurt himself.
4. Most women are killed when they leave their husbands: Nicole Brown Simpson (Left, took legal action, and divorced still killed).
5. Continue to love batterer and believe that things will get better; many batterers feed into this by being apologetic and stating it will not happen again
6.Learned helplessness: women develop from repeated battering; self-defense mechanism helps a battered women cope by giving up any hope of improvement and becoming passive.
What is victim blaming?
states victim must have done something to anger male partner
According to the conflict tactic scale, males and females commit equal acts of violence.
What are the two factors that stop men from reporting abuse?
- Gender roles
2. Victim Blaming
What is stalking?
“the persistent following, observing, and/or harassment of an individual.”
What is the goal of stalking?
Usually, to intimidate the women into staying in a relationship; or to grandiose ideas of being together
What percentage range of women have experienced stalking at least once in their lifetime?
What percentage of stalking victim will eventually be attacked by their stalker?