Unit 2 - Biological psychology key words Flashcards
Fight or flight
Term meaning animal is energised to either fight or run away in response to a sudden (acute) stressor
Pituitary - adrenal system
- Stress response involving the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex
- Helps body to cope with chronic stressors
When the perceived demands of the situations are greater than the perceived ability to cope
Sympathomedullary pathway (SAM pathway)
Stress response involving the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) and the adrenal medulla which helps the body to prepare for the FIGHT OR FLIGHT RESPONSE
Immune system
- Designed to defend the body against antigens that would otherwise invade it
- Leucocytes = white blood cells that identify / eliminate antigens
- SAM pathway = direct effect on the immune system - ANS sends nerves directly into the tissues that form and store cells of the immune system
- Pituitary - adrenal system = Increases levels of circulating cortisol with too much cortisol suppressing the immune system
Life changes
Events that require a significant adjustment in a person’s life
e.g. divorce
Social readjustment rating scale (SRRS)
- Developed by Holmes + Rahe
- Test the idea that life changes are related to stress - related illnesses e.g. anxiety and depression
- Based on analysis of > 5000 patient records
- Used LCU (life change unit)
Marriage = 50 LCU
Death of spouse = 100 LCU (highest)
Daily hassles
- Frustrating and irritating everyday experiences that occur at home, work and personal life
- Most os us, our life stressors = major life changes e.g. divorce but minor stressors an build up overtime
Daily uplifts
- Minor +VE experiences of everyday life that often counteracts the -VE effects of daily hassles
e. g. receiving compliment
Cardiovascular disorder
Disorders of the heart or circulatory system
- hypertension (high BP)
- heart disease
Degree of which workers perceive that they have control over important aspects of their work
e.g. deadlines, procedures
- Demands of a person’s work role
- Can be stressful as it’s repetitive, high intensity, monotonous or high volume
Workplace stressors
Aspects of our working environment that we experience as stressful, and which cause a stress reaction in our body
Hardy personality
Type of personality which provides a defense against the -VE effects of stress
Personal view survery
- Measure of ‘hardiness’
- Hardiness score is a composite of 3 subscales: