Unit 2 AOS1 - Prenatal to Childhood Flashcards
A progressive series of changes which occur over the lifespan. Changes are qualitative and include physical, intellectual, emotional and social changes.
Occurs when a sperm penetrates an ovum and the genetic materials fuse together to make a single cell called a zygote.
Referred to as ‘egg’ in female which mature once puberty occurs.
Contain a random half of the individual’s genetic material to essentially make half a cell.
Production starts during puberty and sperm form in the testes at a rapid rate.
Contain a random half of the individual’s genetic material to essentially make half a cell.
Anything in the environment of the embryo that can cause defects in development. Examples include; tobacco smoke, alcohol, shellfish, prescription medication and some disease like measles.
The nutrient-rich lining on the uterine wall in which the ovum (blastocyst) embeds or that is expelled every month if pregnancy does not occur.
Germinal Stage
Start/Finish: fertilisation and sends with implantation (day 10-12)
Embryonic Stage
Start/Finish: implantation to eighth week
Description: Most critical for human development - most internal and external organs and systems are formed during this stage, and the brain and spinal cord and almost complete by the end of it, as well as limbs continue to grow and develop. 90% of structures found in adult human can be found in an eight-week-old embryo.
Foetal Stage
Start/Finish: ninth week to birth (around 40 weeks)
Description: Foetus grows from a few centimeters to 50 centimetres during this stage. All organs and systems formed in the embryonic stage - including the lungs, digestive system, liver and kidneys - mature and are functioning in the early stages. Placenta is fully developed and function at 14 weeks. Sex organs start taking shape and by 15th week the sex of the foetus may be identifiable. Movement occurs, bones start to harden or ossify, senses begin to function around 25 weeks after fertilisation and fat is deposited under the skin during later weeks o the foetal stage.
Identify 4 examples of teratogens
- thalidomide
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What stage of prenatal development is most susceptible to teratogens?
Embryonic Stage
Prenatal (lifespan stage)
Start/Finish: fertilisation to birth
Rate of Growth: rapid growth
Infancy (lifespan stage)
Start/Finish: birth to 2 years old
Rate of Growth: