Unit 2 AOS1: Global Links Flashcards
What is a state?
Refers to the central actor in global politics. States possess a
permanent population, defined territory, and recognised
sovereignty. States are not necessarily culturally homogenous –
example Australia.
What is citizenship?
Formally (i.e. legally and politically) belonging to a state, usually accompanied by a set of rights and responsibilities.
What is power?
The ability of one global actor to influence the actions of another
global actor. Power can be exercised in a range of types and
forms - hard, soft, military, diplomatic, trade etc.
What is Multiateralism?
Actions or decisions taken jointly by three or more states involved in an issue.
What is Environmentalism?
A political, social and philosophical ideology that seeks to prevent
human-induced environmental degradation while seeking to
improve the state of the environment, often through
What is Globalisation?
Refers to the acceleration and intensification of exchanges of
goods, services, labor and capital, which promote global
interdependence. These have been facilitated by rapid changes in
communication and technology.
What is global community?
The idea that there is a community that extends to all people in
all states around the world, united by a common sense of
humanity, utilized as a concept in Cosmopolitanism.
What is realism?
The theory that a state functions only to increase its power and
to pursue its national interests in the national and/or global
what is Cosmopolitanism?
The theory that emphasizes links between people as citizens of
the world rather than the state or nation state and posits that
global actors should act in the interest of human beings across
the globe.
What is Political Globalisation?
Multi-state political movements such as the rise of de-regulation and free-market capitalism, leading to the overthrow of communist regimes eg. the fall of the Berlin Wall
What is social Globalisation?
Increased access to technology has meant different people in the world can learn from each other eg. women living in rural poverty can see emancipated women in developed states and demand similar rights.
What is economic Globalisation?
Economic development and foreign aid eg.the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank help distribute funds for global economic development.
What is a Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs)?
An organisation comprised of several state actors. Established by a treaty, a founding charter, and is subject to international law
What is a non-government organisation?
Non-government organisations are non-profit organisations that are set up and operated independently from local, state or international governments
What is Cultural Hybridity?
People consuming products from a range of places and making them part of their own culture
What is Gender InEquality?
Gender inequality is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another.
What are Free Trade Agreements?
An agreement between 2 or more states to lower or remove tariffs on each other’s goods and services
What are Transnational Corporations
Refers to a company the operations and investments of which extend beyond the boundaries of the state in which it is registered.
What is Multilateralism?
Actions or decisions taken jointly by three or more states involved in an issue.
What are the Advantages of Political Globalisation?
- Establishment of international norms
- Ease of movement
- Ease of trade
- Establish blocs of influence
What are the disadvantages of Political Globalisation?
- Loss of power at a nation-state level
- Levels of bureaucracy
- Decreased political accountability
What are the Advantages of Social Globalisation?
- The internet, mobile phones, eBay, easier for us to converse over long distances, download information and buy products
- Educational, medical and business institutions have been able to quickly access and share information
- Maintain relationships with people in other parts of the world
‘- Democratise’ media: putting the power of information back into the hands of the people. - Online shopping
What are the Disadvantages of Social Globalisation?
- Identity theft
- Cyberbullying
- Phone-hacking
- Piracy
- Political repression
What is Free Trade Agreements?
An agreement between 2 or more states to lower or remove tariffs on each other’s goods and services
What are Tariffs?
taxes on imported goods and services, rendering them more expensive than the local option
What are the aims of TNCs?
- Maximise profit
- Minimise restrictions on their business activities by other global actors