Unit 2: AOS 1 Pt2 Flashcards
Amniotic Fluid: Definition
the fluid surrounding the embryo/foetus that protects the unborn baby
Antenatal Care: Definition
relates to the medical care given to pregnant women before their babies are born
Blastocyst: Definition
thin-walled hollow structure consisting of a cluster of cells making up an outer cell mass that becomes the placenta and an inner cell mass that becomes the embryo
Cell Differentiation: Definition
when cells take on specialised roles
Cephalocaudal Development: Definition
development that occurs from the head down
Chromosomes: Definition
strands of DNA that contain genetic information
Development Milestone: Definition
the average age at which a child achieves skills such as crawling or standing or saying its first word
Embryo: Definition
cell mass from approximately the second to the eighth week after fertilisation
Emotional Needs: Definition
the need to feel loved and wanted by caregivers
Emotional Support: Definition
the feeling that others understand your needs and will try to help you
Endometrium: Definition
the nutrient-rich lining of the uterine wall in which the ovum (blastocyst) embeds or that is expelled every month if pregnancy does not occur
Epigenetics: Definition
the study of how behaviours and environment can cause changes that affect the way genes work
Epigenome: Definition
set of the instructions that decides which bits of your DNA are activated, or which genes are switched on or off
Fertilisation: Definition
the fusing of a sperm and an egg cell, marks the beginning of pregnancy (aka conception)
Fertility: Definition
the natural capability to produce offspring
Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: Definition
describes a range of features seen in babies who have been exposed to alcohol while inside the womb
Gamete: Definition
sex cell (ovum/sperm)
Genes: Definition
blueprint of the body that controls growth, development and how the body functions
Genome: Definition
an individual’s complete set of DNA
Implantation: Definition
when a cluster of cells that will become an embryo attaches itself to the endometrium
Intellectual Needs: Definition
knowledge, understanding, curiosity and searching for meaning
Intergenerational: Definition
the health and wellbeing of one generation affects the health and wellbeing of the next
Low Birth Weight: Measurement
less than 2500 grams at birth
Morula: Definition
a solid ball of cells created from a zygote