unit 2 AOS 1 Flashcards
person perception
refers to the different mental processes used to understand and form impressions of other people.
first impressions
are formed based on physical appearance and non verbal cues
an evaluation made about the causes of behaviour
a person sees someone running down a busy street
aknowlegement of behaviour
a person actively decides the behaviour they observed was someone running down a busy street
attribute causes to this observed behaviour
a person infers that the cause of the other person running down the busy street is ghat they are running late
internal attributions
occur when we judge behaviour as being caused by something personal within the induvidual
external attributions
occur when we determine the cause of a behvaiour as resulting from situational factors outside the induvidual
fundamental attribution error
refers to our tendancy to explain other peoples behaviour in terms of internal factors while ignoring possible external factors.
tricomponent model of attitudes
the relationship between the affective, behavioural and cognitive components of our attitudes.
i feel affected emotionally
i behave in accordance with the attitude
i congnitively consider the facts about the object of my attitude
a widely held belief and generalisation about a group such as people, animals or objects . They allow us to percieve others and make sense of the social world by applying simplified characteristics to all members of a group or category of people.
pre - judgement. often. negetive preconception held against people within a certain group or social category.
the unjust treatment of people due to their membership within a certain social category
feeling of shame or disgrace experienced by an induvidual for a characteristic that differenciates them from others
two types of stigma
- social stigma
- self stigma
social stigma
characterised by negetive stereotypes as they define people and prevent them from being seen as an individual leading to widespread discrimination
self stigma
the result of internalised negetive sterotypes and can lead to poor self efficiancy and low self esteem
reducing prejudice, descrimination and stigma
- education
- intergroup contact
- laws
- social media
in group
a group that an induvidual identifies to belongs with
out group
a group that an individual does not belong to or identify with
social loafing
an individuals reduction in effort when work is preformed in a group due to the belief that the others will put in the effort
factors that promote social loafing
- the ease of the task
- meaningfulness of the task
factors that prevent social loafing
- clear indications of individual efforts within a group
- group interaction
social identity theory
the tendancy for people to favour their in group over an out group in order to enhance their self esteem
induvidualist culture
a culture that prioritises the needs and goals of individuals and values independance
collectivists culture
a culture that prioritises the needs and goals of groups
factors affecting obedience
- status of authority figure
- proximity
- group pressure
adjusting ones thoughts, feelings or behaviours to match those of others, a social group or a social situation
factors affecting conformity
- social norms
- group shift
- groupthink
- deindividuation
self determination theory
the need to be able to act authentically based on individual choice and authentic motivation
the need to feel a sense of attatchment, connection to and belonging with other people.
anti conformity
referes to a deliberate refusal to comply with social norms or standards for thoughts feelings or behaviours
factors affecting anti conformity
- desire to promote change
- individuation
- reactance
- social support