Unit 2 AC3.2 Flashcards
What are the general criticisms of biological theories of criminality?
- Environmental factors - Biological theories ignore environmental factors. Biology may give criminal characteristics but may need an environmental trigger.
- Sample bias - Researchers often use studies of convicted criminals, but these may not be representative of the criminals who got away. Can’t generalise crime.
- Gender bias - Most research focuses on males, does not explain female criminality
- Crime is a social construct - What counts as crime varies between cultures and over time, so it makes no sense to look for universal explanations.
What is the key idea of Lombroso’s theory
Lombroso argued that criminals are physically different from non-criminals, for example in terms of their facial characteristics.
What are the strengths of Lombroso’s theory?
- Lombroso was the first to study crime scientifically
- Research shows the importance of examining clinical and historical records
- His later work took some limited account of social and environmental factors
- By arguing that offenders were not freely choosing to commit crime, Lombroso helps us focus on how to prevent offending rather than punishment
What are the limitations of Lombroso’s theory?
- Research since Lombroso has failed to show a link between facial features and crime
- He failed to compare his findings with a control group. He only studies Italian men in prisons, not any women nor any non-criminals
- By describing criminals as ‘primate savages’, Lombroso equates non-western societies with criminals - a form of racism
What is the key idea of Sheldon’s somatotypes theory?
Sheldon argued that somatotypes are related to criminality. Mesomorphs are muscly, ectomorphs are tall and thin and endomorphs have rounder bodies.n
What are the strengths of Sheldon’s somatotypes theory?
- Other studies have replicated Sheldon’s finding. (Glueck and Glueck found that 60% of the offenders in the study were mesomorphs)
- The most serious delinquents in Sheldon’s sample were the ones with the most extreme mesomorph body type
What are the strengths of Sheldon’s somatotypes theory?
- Glueck and Glueck found criminality is best explained by a combination of psychological, biological and environmental factors
- Criminals may develop mesomorph body type (using the gym in prison)
- Social class may be the cause of offending and of body type. Working class jobs are typically more manual.
- Labelling may play a part. Mesomorphs are labelled as tough, self-fulfilling property or attract police attention.
- Sheldon doesn’t account for ecto/endomorphs who commit crime
What is the key idea of twin studies?
Genetic theories argue that crime has genetic causes. Identical (MZ) twins genetically identical, so if one twin is a criminal, we should find the other one is too.
What are the strengths of twin studies?
- Because MZ twins are genetically identical it is logical to examine if their offending behaviour is identical
- Twin studies support genetic theories. (Ishikawa and Raine found a higher concordance rate for identical twins than non-identical twins)
What are the limitations of twin studies?
- If genes were the only cause of criminality, the concordance rate would be 100%
- High concordance rates may be due to shared environment
- Identical twins are treated the same and are closer than non-identical, one twin may be influenced by the other
- It is impossible to isolate and measure the effect of genes separately from environmental factors
- In early studies there was no way of knowing for certain if twins were identical, DNA testing did not exist.
What is the key idea of adoption studies?
Comparing adoptive children’s level of criminality with both of their biological and adoptive parents may allow us to see how far genes influence criminality.
What are the strengths of adoption studies?
- Adoption studies overcome the problem faces with twin studies, where biological twins are brought up in the same household
- The research is logical - nature v nurture
- Findings give some support to genetic theories
What are the limitations of adoption studies?
- (Gottfredson and Hirschi argue adoptive studies show genes have little effect on criminality)
- Adopted children are often placed in environments similar to their birth family i.e. local area, class and ethnicity
- Many children are not adopted immediately after birth, early environment may have an impact
What is the key idea of XYY syndrome?
Some men have an extra male Y chromosome, which may cause violent behaviour
What are the strengths of XYY syndrome?
- Jacob et al found an association between XYY syndrome and offenders imprisoned for violent behaviour
- Price and Whitmore found some link between the syndrome and property crime
What are the limitations of XYY syndrome?
- Doesn’t explain female criminal behaviour
- Even if some violent offenders have the syndrome, this doesn’t prove it is the cause of violence
- XYY males are tall and well built, they fit the stereotype of a ‘violent offender’ and get labelled as such, XYY over-represented in samples, overstates
- XYY males may be overrepresented in prison because they have low intelligence - prison sample skewed
- Syndrome is rare (about 1 in 1,000 men) therefore cannot explain crime
What is the key idea of brain injuries and disorders as a theory of criminality?
Injuries, disorders and diseases of the brain may cause it to malfunction in ways that change personality, morals or self-control, leading to criminal behaviour.
What are the strengths of brain injuries and disorders as a theory of criminality?
- In a few extreme cases, brain injury or disease has led to major changes in individuals personality and behaviour
- There is some correlation between abnormal EEG (Brainwave) readings and psychopathic criminality
- Prisoners are more likely to have brain injuries