Unit 2 - AC2.1 Flashcards
What are the two biological theories?
Physiological and genetic
What are the two physiological theories and who were they by?
Criminal atavism - Lombroso
Somatotyping - Sheldon
What are the three genetic theories?
Twin studies
Adoption studies
XYY Sydrome
What was Lombrosos theory of criminal atavism?
That some people are born with an innate predisposition to crime ie. their biology causes them to be criminal
What did Lombroso calls those who had atavism?
Homo-delinquents who are less evolved
What did atavism affect?
The behaviour of a person but also their facial and cranial features
What two principle markers did Lombroso find most common in those with atavism?
Strong jaw
Heavy brow
Name 5 atavistic features:
Strong jaw, heavy brow, twisted nose, excessive cheekbone, excessively long arms, excessive wrinkles on skin, large/protruding jaw, large chin, receding forehead, strongly developed cheeks, left handedness, and other defects (third nipple)
How many features did Lombroso say males and females had to have to be considered atavistic?
Males - 5 or more
Female - 3 or more
What supporting research does Lombrosos theory have? Explain they key elements of the research:
Lombroso (1876) - studied 383 dead criminals and 3,839 living prisoners to see how many atavistic features they had. 40% of the participants had a range of atavistic features, which is a significant correlation between atavism and criminal behaviour
What does Lombrosos study suggests about atavistic people?
They are less evolved, causing them to be more aggressive and less intelligent
What four crimes did Lombroso go onto identify different types of characteristics for different crimes?
Theif, murderer, sex offenders, women offenders
What are the three strengths of Lombrosos theory?
Supporting research - more credible
‘Father of modern criminology’ - first person to study crime and criminals in a scientific way and enhanced our understanding of crime
Practical applications - if the theory is accurate, identifying and targeting criminals will become easier
What are the three weaknesses of Lombrosos theory?
Reductionist - very simple explanation for a very complex behaviour and failed to consider the influence of other factors
Can’t explain all crimes and criminals - only 40% of criminals had atavistic features what about the other 60%? - limited application and usefulness
Deterministic - doesn’t take into account free will and moral/religious values
No control group - the findings were flawed and when research was done by Goring with a control group, he failed to replicate Lombrosos findings
What was Sheldon’s theory of Somatotyping?
The idea that criminal behaviour is linked to a persons physical form but more specifically their body shape
What are the three body shapes from Sheldon’s theory?
What were the physical and personality features of an Ectomorph?
Physical - Thin, fragile, lean, lightly muscled, small shouldered
Personality - Self-conscious, private people, emotionally restrained, thoughtful
What were the physical and personality features of an Endomorph?
Physical - Soft body, underdeveloped muscles, round physique, difficulty losing weight
Personality - Sociable, relaxed, hedonistic( self-indulgent and engaged in the pursuit of pleasure)
What were the physical and personality features of a mesomorph?
Physical - Muscular, athletic, excellent posture, easy muscle gain, thick skin
Personality - Courageous, adventurous, aggressive, domineering, indifferent to what others think
What supporting research did Sheldon’s theory of somatotyping have?
Sheldon’s (1949)
Gleuck and Gleuck