Unit 2 AC 2.1, AC 3.2 Flashcards
What is atavism
Atavism is the idea that criminals are “throwbacks” to a more primitive stage of evolution.
Describe an endomorph.
Endomorphs are individuals with rounded, soft bodies, lacking muscle. They are typically sociable, relaxed and outgoing.
Describe an ectomorph.
Ectomorphs are individuals who are thin, fragile lacking fat and muscle. They often have flat chests, narrow hips and shoulders, and thin faces. They tend to be self - concious emotionally restrained, and thoughtful.
Describe a mesomorph.
Mesomorphs are individuals with a muscular, hard-bodied physique, little fat, strong limbs, broad shoulders, and a narrow waist. They are often adventurous, sensation-seeking, assertive and domineering.
What are physiological theories?
Physiological theories propose that the physical features of criminals differ from those of non-criminals and contribute to criminal behaviour.
What are biological theories?
Biological theories suggest that criminals are biologically different from non-criminals, and this difference causes them to commit crime.
What is the key idea in Sheldon’s stomatotypes theory?
The key idea in Sheldon’s somatotypes theory is that somatype (body type) is related to criminality.
How did Sheldon complete his study?
Sheldon completed his study by looking at body types and comparing them with the likelihood of criminality.
What were Sheldon’s findings?
Sheldon’s findings indicated that individuals with a mesomorphic somatype (muscular build) were likely to be involved in criminal activities.
What reason did Sheldon give for his findings?
Sheldon reasoned that mesomorphs were attracted to risk-taking, and their physique and assertiveness were important assets in crime. Other studies have replicated his findings, and it was observed that the most serious delinquents had the most mesomorphic bodies.
State two strengths of Sheldon’s theory.
Two strengths of Sheldon’s theory are that it suggests criminality is likely a combination of biology and the environment and that the mesomorphic build may be a result of criminality.
State two weaknesses of Sheldon’s theory.
Two weaknesses of Sheldon’s theory are that social class might be the true cause of offending and that labeling may be more likely for individuals with a mesomorphic body type.
What was Lombroso’s key idea?
Lombroso’s key idea was that criminals are physically different from non-criminals.