Unit 2 Flashcards
In Behavior Analysis data is:
Graphed (charted)
standard celeration chart
fit all bx’s in one chart
no change in y-axis
length of observation taken into account
relatively simple visual formats for displaying data
used for summarizing and comparing data for different groups of subjects and/or different conditions
bar graph (histogram)
“A type of graph on which the cumulative number of responses emitted is represented on the vertical axis; the steeper the slope of the data path, the greater the response rate.”
cumulative record
What is this?

Scatter Plot
a data collection form for problem behavior and the intervals of time behaviors occurred. it provides a graphic display of data in a grid format. it is used to identify patterns of responding in natural settings
scatter plot
Types of Graphs
- bar graph
- cumulative record
- equal interval line
- semi-logarithmic
(standard celeration)
bar graphs
summarize and compare data for groups/conditions
data points
individual value of the DV
uses of equal-interval line graphs
- track client’s progress
- evaluate effectiveness of interventions
- present results of functional analyses
considerations during visual analysis of data
number of data points
level and mean shift
horizontal axis
passage of time
whole units
“A two-dimensional graph with a logarithmic schaled y axis so that equal distances on the vertical axis represent changes in behavior that are of equal proportions
semi-logarithmic graph
phase change line
major changes in interventions or environemental events

Bar graph (histogram)
equal interval line
- each point represents a relationship between two dimensions,
- most commonly used,
- evaluates treatment effectiveness
vertical axis
represents target behavior/dependent variable
changes within phases
Changes in an intervention should be denoted by a __, while changes in the parameters of an intervention should be denoted by a __.
Phase change line (solid line); Condition change line (dotted line).

Graph type?

Equal-Interval line graph
interpreting graphs
did a significant change in one of the dimensions of the target behavior occur between one phase/condition and the next?
was the change due to manipulation? how certain are we?
“the overal direction taken by the data path”
the value on the vertical axis scale around which a set of behavioral measures converge (mean or median).
cumulative record
developed by skinner; primary means of data collection and analysis in EAB labs
Graphic display used to summarize and compare groups of data. The values on! the horizontal (x) axis are discrete.
bar graph
used to compare sets of data which are not related to one another by a common underlying dimension by which the horizontal axis can be scaled. That is the data are discrete.
bar graph (histogram)
“A device that automatically draws cumulative records (graphs) that show the rate of response in real time; each time a response is emitted, a pen moves upward across paper that continuously moves at a constant speed.”
cumulative recorder
Graphic display used to compare changes in behavior across phases and/or conditions. The vertical (y) axis consists of an add-subtract scale.
equal-interval line graph
Visual Analysis
evaluation of an experimental manipulation
Graphic display used to compare changes in rate over time (celeration). The vertical (y) axis consists of a multiply divide scale.
semi-logarithmic graph
types of graphic displays
- bar graph (histogram)
- cumulative record
- equal-interval line graph
- semi-logarithmic graph
“The evaluation of an experimental or clinical manipulation via visual inspection of graphed data.”
Visual analysis (criterion by inspection)
directionality of data points; best fit line
In equal-interval line graphs and semi- logarithmic graphs, the passage of time is represented in the ___, while the values of behavior are represented in the ___.
Horizontal (x) axis; Vertical (y) axis!
visual format for displaying data; major tool for communicating ABA results
Graph type?

cummulative record
a type of graph “based on a caresian plane… Any point within the plane represents a specific relation between the two dimensions described by the intersecting lines.
it is the most common for displaying data in ABA
equal-interval line graph
Graphic display in which data are graphed cumulatively. The slope of the line indicates rate of responding.
cumulative record
Ways of displaying data
- Embedded in a text
- Displayed in a table (in summary form).
- Graphed (charted)
graph type?

Semi-Logarithmic Graph
“the extent to which measure of behavior under the same environmental conditions diverge from one another”