unit 2 Flashcards
classical conditioning
US- elicits fear with no learning
CS- elicits fear only after pairing with a US
CR- fear response to CS
skin conductance response (CSR)
primary measure in polygraph- sympathetic actication= how sweaty skin is as measure of fear
startle response
idea= if you are already afraid you will startle with a larger magnitude
-startle is measured by eye blink response (obicularis oculi muscle movement)
FC in rodents
measure of time animal spends during the tone freezing
-shock and tone need to coterminate (shock comes few seconds before end of tone (30 sec tone total))
context conditioning
contextual conditioning leads to fear of the context- no fear in new context (unless context generalization occurs)
cued and context conditioning
context conditioning will occur no matter what… cued= tone played in context A with shock, then in new context, play tone and see fear expressed
cued FC
association of tone with shock (US)
-convergence of these senses (feet pain and auditory sound) occurs in amygdala- lateral amygdala!
lateral amygdala
in basal lateral (input) site… auditory thalamus and somatosensory thalamus converge on LA… also has input from somatosensory and auditory cortices- strong/ long term memory
-LA projects to central grey (PAG) which projects to CG, CH, PVN
brain relay center
medial geniculate nucleus= auditory info
ventral posterior nucleus= sensory info
paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT)
(NOT PVN of hypothalamus)- medial dorsal thalamus- prelimbic area of mPFC (aCg, PL, IL)
-inactivating PVT disrupted memory only at late time points
immediate early gene (IEG) that gets expressed in response to neural activity; used as general proxy to see what brain regions were recently active; use antibodies to C-Fos connected to fluorescent markers to visualize the expression after behavior test
take homes fro Do-Monte et al.
there is shift in what brain circuits drive memory based behavior over time
BLA= important right after initial memory formation, but then the PVT mediates long-term memory
PL may mediate this switch