unit 2 Flashcards
what is the distinction between leadership and management
managing means telling people what to do and organising resources to get the job done
leading means motivating people and inspiring them to do things
managers with good leadership skills can persuade their staff that their decisions are the right ones
what do managers do
managers set objectives for their department and people under them
managers make decisions and they’ll use data analysis and interpretation to do this
managers review the effectiveness of their decisions and make further decisions based on their conclusions
what are the different types of leadership styles
laissez faire
autocratic leadership style
leader or manager makes decisions on their own
useful when dealing with lots of unskilled workers
method requires lots of supervision and monitoring
this style can demotivate able and intelligent workers
paternalistic leadership style
softer form of autocratic style
leader consults the workers before making decisions then explains the decisions to them to persuade them that the decisions are in their interest
paternalistic leaders think that getting involved and caring about human relations is a positive motivator
democratic leadership style
leaders discuss issues with workers delegate responsibility and listen to advice
democratic leaders have to be good communicators
this style shows leaders have a lot of confidence in the workforce which leads to employee motivation
takes weight of decision making off the leader
laissez faire leadership style
weak form of leadership
leaders might offer employees coaching and support but rarely interfere in the running of the business
hands off leadership style would only be appropriate for a small highly motivated team of able workers
internal influences on leadership style
urgency of tasks - unexpected large task may need autocratic leader to direct employees
skill of workforce - large unskilled workforce suits autocratic leadership whereas small educated workforce suits a democratic approach
external influences on leadership style
economic stage - in recession business needs strong leadership to guide it through difficult economic times
when economy grows - management may not always need a strong leadership approach
competition - increased competition requires democratic leaders who can motivate their employees to adapt to change or expansion
laissez faire leaders are more complacent
tannenbaum schmidt continuum
The Tannenbaum-Schmidt Continuum places managers on a scale, from autocratic leadership to more participation by employees in decision-making.
it identifies seven types of management style
what are the seven key types of management on the tannenbaum schmidt continuum
- tells
- sells
- suggests
- consults
- joins
- delegates
- abdicates
authoritarian management style - zero involvement of the workforce in decision making , not trusted with decisions so this style can be divisive between management and the workforce
the manager makes the decision but tries to present it to the workforce as having a sound rationale , the workforce are allowed to ask questions but they do not influence the decision being made
a decision is outlined to the workforce and they are allowed to discuss and ask questions this helps them feel that their opinions are being considered
manager proposes a tentative decision and invites discussion , this decision is open to being modified
this recognises the insight and value of workforce participation in decision making