Unit 2 Flashcards
Human nature (what the Bible says about it)
- Humans are a creation of God- God formed us whatever we are is a gift from god 2. humans are a mixture of earth and divine breath 3. humans are good 4. humans are male and female
Human dignity (what it is and what it means)
Dignity isis one’s inherent value or worth
Personhood (what it is, why it matters, what the church say, historical examples)
A “persons” is used to indicate induviuals recognized to have Catholic teaching says that all humans are persons but often affect our cultures and laws do not reflect on this.
Slaves were not considered human in the 18th and 19th centuries
Women were not considered human in britain and many other countries
Jews were not considered human in Germany in the 1940s and 30s
Unborn children are currently not considered human under Canadian law.
Being made in the image and likeness of God (what does it mean and how it relates with to ruling)
This means humans reflect God’s nature, such as creativity, reason, and morality. It gives humans a role in caring for and ruling over creation responsibly.
The 7 characteristics of a human being
- Humans are created in the image of God
- humans are called to happiness and holiness
- human are rational and free
- humans are blessed
- humans have passions or feeling
- humans are blessed with a conscience
- Humans are able to sin
Importance of community (according to church)
Our faith is meant to be lived out as part of a community and not done alone
Types of Community (as found in the world, scripture etc…)
Families,friend groups, teams and clubs, provinces , and countries . Noah’s family, Abraham & his descendants, the family of moses & david
The Immaculate Conception of Mary
Mary was preserved from the stain of original sin
All other human beings are born with original sin which is our shared guilt
Mary did not share original sin
The Divine Motherhood of Mary
The church teaches that jesus was concieved in mary’s womb
Jesus was concieved by the Holy spirit, and without a human father
The Perpetual Virginity of Mary
Mary was a virgin before,during,after the birth of Jesus
Jesus was marys only son
Jesus ‘Brothers’ in the bible are references to close relations but not actual brothers
The Assumption of Mary into Heaven
Mary rose into heaven in both body and soul
Jesus is the only person who also did that
Reasons for Catholic devotion to Mary (taken from the reading
“7 Reasons…)
The Content of The Videos and Articles on Mary
Meanings of “Faith”
A system of beliefs to trust a person or to believe in the truth of a variety of things
Faith vs. Blind Faith
Blind faith is base with no reasoning compared to faith base on an examtion of many sources
The Relationship between science and religion (from the faith note)
called unity of truth means science and religion supporting each other
Faith in God (what it is, what it means, why/how we have it, what it is based one etc…)
Faith is based on a variety of sources including witness and testimony and should not be blind faith
The Holy Trinity
The trinity is God who is made up of 3 person, the father, son and Holy spirit
The Holy Spirit
The holy spirit the 3rd person of the trinity
Translates to repentance
What is a Creed
The summary for important point of beliefs claimed by the religion, individual or community of believers
The Apostle’s Creed (what it is and what it says)
claims that this creed was created by the Apostles on the day of Pentecost under the guidance of the Holy Spirit
The Nicene Creed (what it is and what it says)
The Nicene Creed was created at the council of Nicea (a huge gathering of Bishops and religious scholars) in 325 AD and reconfirmed at the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD
It goes into more depth than the Apostle’s Creed
Comparing the 2 major Catholic Creeds (Apostle’s and Nicene)
Nicene goes more in depth,
Talks more about the father and Holy spirit and more about Christ’s life and works.
Nicene creed emphasizes how everything God did was for us and our salvation.
Content from the movies “Paul: Apostle of Christ” and “Bicentennial Man” how it relates to themes and topics from this unit (ex. Metanoia)