Unit 2 Flashcards
Univariate descriptive statistics
What is univariate descriptive statistics?
Univariate descriptive statistics provides a summarized description and analysis of a single variable. It aims to answer questions like:
●What are the scores in the variable?
●Are there significant differences among its values?
●What is the proportion of subjects exceeding a certain value?
What is absolute frequency (fi)?
Absolute frequency (fi) represents the number of times a specific value of a variable is repeated within a dataset
What is relative frequency (f’i)?
Relative frequency (f’i) is the proportion of a particular value’s frequency compared to the total sample size. It is calculated as: f’i = (frequency of a value) / (total sample size)
What is percentage (pi)
Percentage (pi) expresses the proportion of a value within the sample as a percentage out of 100. It is calculated by multiplying the relative frequency (f’i) by 100: pi = f’i * 100
What is cumulative relative frequency (F’i)?
Cumulative relative frequency (F’i) represents the cumulative proportion of values up to a certain point in the distribution. It is calculated as: F’i = (cumulative frequency of a value) / (total sample size)
What is cumulative percentage (Pi)?
Cumulative percentage (Pi) expresses the cumulative relative frequency (F’i) as a percentage. It is calculated as: Pi = F’i * 100.
What is a cyclogram/pie chart? When is it used?
A cyclogram, also known as a pie chart, is a circular graph divided into slices, with each slice’s size representing the frequency of a corresponding value. It can be used to display absolute frequency, relative frequency, or percentages. Cyclograms are suitable for nominal, ordinal, and discrete quantitative variables with relatively few distinct values
What is a bar chart? When is it used?
A bar chart uses bars of varying heights to represent the frequencies of different values. The height of each bar corresponds to the frequency of the value it represents. Bar charts can display absolute, relative, or percentage frequencies. They are suitable for nominal, ordinal, and discrete quantitative variables with a limited number of values.
What is a polygon of frequencies? When is it used?
A polygon of frequencies, also known as a frequency polygon, is a line graph that connects points representing the frequencies of different values. Points on the graph represent the frequency of each value and are connected by lines. It is particularly useful for comparing groups or illustrating data profiles, typically for quantitative variables, especially discrete ones.
What is a histogram? When is it used?
A histogram resembles a bar chart but uses connected bars to represent the frequencies of continuous data grouped into intervals. This connected bar format highlights the continuous nature of the variable. Histograms are suitable for displaying continuous quantitative variables, and data is grouped into class intervals when dealing with a large number of values.
What is a stem-and-leaf diagram? When is it used?
A stem-and-leaf diagram is a way to visualize data by separating each data point into a ‘stem’ and a ‘leaf,’ revealing the distribution’s shape. It is helpful in identifying potential outliers or unusual patterns in the variable’s distribution.
What is a box plot? When is it used?
A box plot, also known as a box-and-whisker plot, provides a visual summary of a dataset’s distribution based on quartiles, effectively showing the data’s form, including its symmetry and potential outliers.
What are the four properties of a frequency distribution?
●Central tendency: The point around which the data tends to cluster.
●Variability: The degree to which data points are spread out from the center.
●Skewness: The extent to which data is distributed symmetrically or asymmetrically around the central tendency.
●Kurtosis: The peakedness or flatness of the distribution, indicating data concentration around the center.
What are the types of kurtosis?
●Mesokurtic: A normal distribution with a balanced shape.
●Leptokurtic: Positive kurtosis, characterized by a tall and narrow peak, indicating data concentration at the center.
●Platykurtic: Negative kurtosis, characterized by a flatter distribution with more data in the tails.
How can you determine skewness from a SPSS output?
●Statistic < (Error x 2) = Symmetrical distribution
●Statistic > (Error x 2) = Asymmetrical distribution
●- = Negative skewness
●+ = Positive skewness