Unit 2 Flashcards
‘Peace in the fortress’ - country uniting behind war effort
When did Burgfriedan break down
Peace through victory - German nationalists wanted
What changed betweem Autumn 1917 and August 1918?
Growing economic/military crisis
Germany made major territory gains
Generals realised Germany would be defeated (due to Americans)
Generals during WW1
Ludendorff and Groener
What did Ludendorff do during WW1
Persuaded Kaiser to give power to Reichstag in order to shift responsibility from himself and generals onto public to help reputation and positions
‘Stab in the back’
Army thought weak/unpatriotic politicians did this. Germany was defeated by pacifists and socialists and the new government in 1918 did not support the military.
What were the significance of the stab in the back theory?
Weimar associated with German defeat and peace treaty which weakened their prospect of a Weimar democracy
From monarchy to democratic republic in how long?
six weeks
When did the Kaiser abdicated?
9th November 1918
When did Germany sign the armistice?
11th November 1918
Who did Prince Max von Baden hand chancellorship to?
Friedrich Ebert
What was Friedrich Ebert leader of?
Socialist Democratic Party
What happened in October 1918?
Sailors refused to sail out to salvage German honour in battle. Led to creation of sailors/soldiers/workers councils who challenged authority of governements
Aims of Spartacists/KPD
seize power and enact soviet revolution (wanted communist state)
Aims of USPD
Remove enemies of democracy and create conditions for a secure socialist society
Who led the Spartacists?
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
Aims of SPD
Establish democratic socialist system by democratic means.
Who led SPD?
Ebert and Scheidemann
What did the SPD form in November/December 1918?
coalition government with USPD
How many members of SPD in 1919?
1 million
What were the new governments aims 1918
Moderate change
What happened on the 10th November 1918
General Groener phoned Ebert to make deal. He proposed that in return for the gov keeping authority of existing offers and crushing Bolshevism, the army would defend the gov.
When was The Spartacist Uprising?
January 1919
Where did Spartacist uprising take place?
Around 200 paramilitary groups recruited from demobilised soldiers and officers and protected Germany from Spartacist Revolt in January 1919.
When was Ebert elected president of German republic?
19th January 1919
Who voted in elections?
All men and women over 20
What is Article 48
Gave president power to act without parliaments approval in emergency
Problems with Article 48
Did not define ‘emergency’ and power overused which weakened confidence
What were the problems of the Weimar Republic between 1918 - 1923
Had to accept Treaty terms/constitution weakness/Left and Right wing revolts/French occupation of Ruhr/hyperinflation
What were the doubts of constitution
German people suspicious of new constitution as they’re used to strong government led by Kaiser/not ready for democracy
Dates of revolution from above
29th September 1918 and 3rd October 1918
29th September 1918
Generals recommend new civilian government and armistice
3rd October 1918
New civilian government led by max von baden on Reichstag support
Dates of Revolution from Below
31st October 1918 and 9th November
Date of limited revolution
10th November 1918
When was Philipp Scheidemann chancellor
February 1919
What did multiple chnacellors during 1918 to 1923 show?
Unstable Weimar
What territory did Germany lose from Treaty?
Northern Schleswig/Lorraine etc.
Features of Treaty
Territory loss/disarment/war guilt/Rhineland/reparations
Features of disarment
Abolition of conscription/reduced army to 100k/no tanks or aircraft/6 battleships no sub/under observation
What is war guilt under treaty
Germany accepts responsibility for causing damage and loss in war
Germany could not keep troops there, left German boarder undefended
How much did Germany have to pay in reparations in April 1921?
132 billion gold marks/£6.6 million