UNIT 2 Flashcards
A body of citizens entitled to elect a representative
A tactic to prolong debate or prevent a vote on a bill
Discretionary Spending
When the bureaucracy has the power to determine where their money should go
Mandatory Spending
Required by law for the government to spend their budget on programs like social security, medicare
Budget Deficit
When the federal government’s spending exceeds their budget. (increases debt but also increases economic stimulation)
Pork Barrel Legislation
Funding for a local project where legislators seek to base military or government agencies in their area all in return for their political support
combining pieces of legislation into one bill to secure enough votes to pass it
Aimed to favor on type of person over another (political party, race, ect,)
creating state districts in hopes to bring in more representation of a certain demographic
The process of reallocating the number of seats each state has in the HOR based on the changes in population
Divided Govt.
When one party controls the presidency and the other party controls at least one of the chambers of congress
Trustee Model
A member of the house or senate that follows their own conscience when deciding issue positions, rather than the people: The people TRUST the trustee model
Delegate Model
The view that an elected rep should represent the opinions of their constituents
Politico Model
Legislators follow their own judgment until the public becomes vocal about a particular matter, at which point they should follow the constituents
Roles of the Press
Informs citizens about political events and issues
formal powers that allow the president to check congress by not passing legislation
Executive Order
allows the president to issue a rule or regulation that has the effect of a law: to advance agenda or override something
Executive Agreement
an international agreement not warranting a formal treaty
Signing Statement
informal powers that inform Congress and the public of the president’s interpretation of laws passed by congress and signed by the president
Bully Pulpit
a tool for agenda setting that use the media to influence public views about which policies are most important
Stare Decisis
“let the decision stand”
Judicial Activism
Asserts that judicial review allows courts to overturn current constitutional and case precedent/invalidate legislative or executive acts
Iron Triangle
Alliances of congressional committees, bureaucratic agencies, and interest groups
Congressional Oversight
serves as a check of executive authorization as a means to limit the use of presidential power
Discretionary authority
The power given to an agency to make decisions about the implementation of existing laws, using its discretion and judgment
Judicial restraint
Asserts that judicial review should be constrained to decisions that adhere to current Constitutional and case precedent
Rulemaking authority
The power of an agency to create rules and regulations that govern the behavior of individuals and organizations.