Unit 2 Flashcards
The stages of revelation
- old testament: god only heard
- new testament: Jesus Christ -> god is seen
How did the apostles transmit the revelation?
Orally: tradition/ living tradition: preaching, worship etc.
-> content can easily be altered (even unintentionally)
In writing: holy scripture
-> content cannot be altered
-> written under guidance of apostles because of fear of forgetting
Which role did the holy spirit play in the transmission of the revelation?
Guaranteed fidelity of transmission of revelation through illumination and inspiration
What is the relation between scripture and tradition?
-> tradition transmits and interprets scripture
-> scripture verifies and validates tradition
What is tradition founded on?
Apostolic preaching
-> later of continued by successors in apostolic ministry
What is the ecclesiastical magisterium?
The authoritative interpretation of the revelation by the pope and bishops
Does the magisterium stand above the word of god?
No, it serves the word of god
What were the ancient people of god called?
Hebrews: root of name means to pass -> men of passage, nomads
Israelites: Jacob‘s middle name -> he who fought with god and is with him
Jews: Children of Judah -> to praise or to celebrate
How was the territory of Canaan divided among the jewish tribes?
12 Tribes named after Jacob‘s sons (10) and Joseph‘s sons (2)
United only during times of war
-> elected a judge to direct war and rule over all
-> last judge: samuel
What is the etymological meaning of faith?
From where in the bible do we speak of historical facts?
Gen 12
Who was the first believer?
Who were the first three kings of isreal in the right order?
What is the bible?
greek: biblos -> scroll of writing
collection of sacred writings (living word of god)
-> original document of faith for christians and jews
What is the purpose of the bible?
reveals truths necessary to know, love and serve god