Unit 2 Flashcards
is that period of time that follows childhood and adolescence and lasts until death.
that period of life that follows childhood and precedes adulthood; a passage not clearly defined in Western society
Age of Majority
the age at which you legally become an adult. In Canada, 18 years of age
a change from one stage of the life cycle to another.
Rites of Passage
societal rituals that distinguish the recognizable stages of life.
Autonomous Self
term used to describe a self-reliant person who accepts oneself and others as being multifaceted and unique.
the process by which new members of a society acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to participate actively in that society
the ability of an individual to discard old behaviour and to change his/her behaviour when making a transition to a new role
Anticipatory Socialization
being made aware of the expectations of a new role and practicing role behaviour before taking on that new role
Pre-industrial society
Children work roughly around the age of 7-8.
Children worked for the benefit of the family.
Social class determined whether a child would stay within the home or be forced to work elsewhere.
High infant mortality rates so parents did not become too attached to their kids as a result.
Late 19th century
Families moved to cities for work.
Children often would go to work with their fathers and any wage would become a part of the family income.
Fathers had authority over their children and even collected their child’s wages until they turned 17.
Children began to marry at a younger age and left the home.
20th century
child labour laws were enacted to remove children from dangerous factory jobs.
families began to move to cities in increasing numbers, children had greater access to schools.
Schooling initially became mandatory up to age 14
This was later increased to age 16 because there was a problem with ‘idle’ children.
Mid 20th century
educated young people stood a greater chance of gaining meaningful employment.
As the working middle class emerged in society, young people were encouraged to pursue their studies.
Kids no longer worked to support their families.
This created a time when little responsibility was expected from kids. Teenagers then emerged.
Late 20th and 21st Century
teenagers is described by sociologists as ‘an extended period of adolescence.’ individuals remain both emotionally and financially tied to their parents until their late twenties and beyond. The result of an emphasis on post-secondary education combined with an increasingly competitive job market
Consequently, adulthood is beginning to happen in a compressed time frame.
Factors contributing to invention of adolecense
Lack of Independence, Less need for children to support families, mandatory schooling
Sigmund Freud
Psychosexual Development. Any problems you had as a child will cause u problems as an adult and shape your personality.
Erik Eriksion
8 Stages of life that you have to overcome
Jean Paiget
Social interactions are how we development
Charles Cooley
Sense of self is based on how others view
George herbert Mead
Me & I
Lawrence Kolberg
Moral Development
Carol Gilligan
Gender Bias, boys and girls have different viewpoints
Klaus Riegel’s
development happens when people respond to social exchanges
Jane Loveingers Theory of ego development
simplicity, accept and appreciate other
Family Life Cycle
identity and intimate relationships outside the family
Leonard Pearlins Theory of social distress
Learning how to deal with stress
David Levinsons Theory of Seasons of life
Emotional separation from family