Unit 2 Flashcards
Why is it important to evaluate the need for Recruitment?
- To collate vacancies
- Verify job description
- Verify entry criteria
- Verify budget
What is “Verify entry Criteria” known as?
It is known as the screening stage.
What are the areas of consideration when it comes to budgeting?
- Job boards and advertising
- Assessment
- external recruiting
- Partnerships
- Career page
- Employer branding events
- Salary cost of hiring team
What are the two primary methods when it comes to recruiting?
Internal and External
Explain Job posting
An internal job posting is an open job that is available to current employees within the organisation they work for. Many organisations and government departments post jobs internally to promote growth within current employees.
Briefly explain Job Bidding
It is a process in which applicants are required to compete with other applicants for a job position that has been posted by an employer or an organisation.
When will Job Bidding be used?
This method of recruitment is used when the number of applicants exceed the number of job positions that are being offered by a large number.
Briefly explain Print Media Advertisement
it is a traditional platform for recruitment where a job vacancy is posted in a physical platform informing of a job vacancy.
Explain Talent inventory
Talent inventory is used to list the professional attributes and expertise of employees within the organisation.
Explain Employee referrals
Employee referrals is a program where employers encourage current employees to refer qualified candidates for jobs in the organisation.
List and explain External Recruitment methods.
Walk-in Applicant
Walk-in applicant takes place when the candidate does not apply online or through mail but comes into an office in order to apply for a job -
Print Media Advertisement
Print media advertisement is the most traditional platform for recruitment, where a job vacancy is posted in a physical platform of job vacancy. Print media advertisement is usually found in newspapers or flyers. -
Internet (E-Recruitment)
This method refers to the use of web-based technology for the various processes of attracting, accessing, selecting, recruiting and onboarding job candidates. E-recruitment tend to reach large number of potential employees.
List and explain the Advantages of internal recruitment.
Reduce time to hire
The time needed to find and engage those candidates is much less as; - They are pre-screened for culture fit
- Their track record is easily accessible
- They may not always need full interviews with managers
- Reduced time spent on hiring stage and overall time to hire
Shorten On-Boarding Times
Internal hires are quicker to adjust to a new role compared to an external hire, This is because; - They know how the company operates and most of the policies and practices.
- They may be familiar with people in their new team, especially in smaller businesses.
- The employees know the content and context of their new roles if they move within the same team or to a similar one.
Cost less
External hiring cost 1.7 times more than internal hiring. This is because when hiring from within, it is usually not needed to: -
Post Ads on job boards
It is easier to inform internal candidates about job openings through emails or the organisations internal newsletter. -
Subscribe to resume databases
HR can ask managers about their team members or look into HRIS to find employees who might fit in the open roles. -
Pay for Background checks
Prior background checks may have already been conducted on internal candidates when they were first hired. Therefore the hiring department would know if they are in good standing based on their manager’s input or employee records. -
Strengthen Employee Engagement
Promoting from within sends a message that the organisation that the organisation value their employees and want to invest in them. Giving more employees more opportunities to advance their careers or letting them move to same-level positions that may interest them.
Take note that there is only 4 Advantages. The ones in bold are the advantages
List and explain the disadvantages of Internal Hiring.
Create resentment among employees and managers
Employees who were considered for the role could feel resentful if a colleague or external candidate is eventually hired. Additionally, Managers are often uncomfortable losing good team members and may go further so as to hinder the transfer or promotion process. -
Leave a Gap in the exisiting workplace
When an exisiting employee is promoted to fill an open position, their old position becomes vacant. This meant that a series of moves and promotions may disrupt the business operations. The organisation may need to turn to external recruitment in addition to their internal hire. -
Limit your pool of applicants
If a role is fairly new to the business, the employees will have other specialities and may not be able to fill this skills gap. Relying solely on internal hiring means that the organisation could miss the chance to hire people with new skills and ideas. -
Result in inflexible Culture
An inflexible culture will be more problematic in leadership positions where employees may need to advocate for change and improvements instead of relying on established, inefficient practices.
List and Explain the advantages of external recruitment.
Fresh outlook
External recruitment provides an opportunity for a fresh outlook on the industry that a organsation may need to stay competitive. -
Help spur and motivate exisiting employees
Fresh talent from the outside can help motivate the current employees to produce and achieve more in hopes of obtaining the next promotional opportunity. -
Learning new best practices in the industry
Recruiting outside the organisation allows a company to target the key players that could make its competition successful. Hiring a candidate with a proven track record for the competition allows the organisation to get an insider’s view as to what the competition is doing to be successful. -
Diversify Skills
Hiring an external candidate also opens up many opportunities to find experienced and highly qualified and skilled candidates who will help a organisation meet its diversity requirements.
List and explain the disadvantages of External recruitment.
Higher costs and more time spent in recruitment
It can take longer and cost more than hiring from within the organisation. Recruitment advertisements cost money which could be avoided if the organisation had chosen to hire internally. -
Lower morale due to preceived loss in opportunity
It can damage employee morale as current employees may feel external recruitment will lower their chances for promotion. When employee morale decreases, productivity can also decrease. -
Longer time for new staff to be operationally ready
It takes time to train an external candidate on the systems the organisation use which will take the candidate longer to get up and running. -
Potential Culture Misfit and Conflict within staff team
It can be difficult to tell by candidate’s information whether or not he or she will fit in with the company and its employees. While a new employee may bring fresh outlooks and ideas, this can be considered a disadvantage as these ideas may produce conflict with current employees.
List down the considerations when reaching the current talent pool
- Current expertise
- Position available
- Entry Requirement
- Management support
- Platform
What information is required in an internal recruitment announcement?
Description of the Department
Describe what the department does and what its main mission is as well as what the team is working on presently and what they plan to work on in the future. Additionally, explain how the open role fits inside the team and who the new hire will work with. -
Emphasise benefits in the new role such as bonuses or other perks. -
Provide details for the application process
Explain how internal employees can apply as well as making sure that the process is easy and simple. Avoid lengthy application forms and letting them know what the next step would be if they get shortlisted. -
Communicate the open job
In order to advertise the job position, post the job ad on the company’s intranet and the company’s newsletter. Put up hard copies of the job on bulletin boards and send a company-wide email to all employees.
What considerations is required when preparing an external recruitment advertisement?
Type of position
Similar to internal recruitment, HR will need to list down the position that is vacant. They will need to ensure a concrete job description is in place before putting the vacant position online for recruitment purposes. -
Cost of advertising
The more HR engages in different platforms, the more they will have to pay. HR will need consider how long they want the advertisement to be up and how many platforms they want to use the recruitment agency to hire the right candidate. -
Readership and Circulation
HR will need to consider which platform to be used to reach out to the highest number of applicants. Before any organisation in Singapore can post out to the global market, they will need to abide by the fair considerations framework. -
HR will need to consider how often they want their advertisement to be refreshed online so that applicants can spot and read the advertisement.
What information is required in an external recruitment advertisement?
Use an appealing design and key images to reach target and desired audience. -
Job Title
A creative and a catchy job title can garner a lot of attention from potential hires. HR can use word play to make the advertisement attractive but the job title has to be related to the role. The job title has to be very clear and should in no way deceive or mislead the reader. -
Core Competencies
HR needs to indicate clearly what are the required skills for the position and the desireable skills that the candidate can offer. HR should select key skills, core competencies and most relevant performance or success measures and include them. This will allow candidates to compare what is required with their own skills, experience, and discourage those not qualified from applying. -
Location of the position
Job location is an important factor whether they will apply for the advertisement or not. HR will need to share where the position will be based so that HR can manage the candidate’s expectations right away. If location is not an issue and the potential hire can work anywhere, HR should indicate that too. -
Employment type
Identify how the person will be hired such as full time, part time or casual. -
Details on how to apply
HR should list down the steps on how the candidate can send thier application. HR should indicate if cover letter is required and deadline of the submission. -
Include Rewards
Include a section to state the salary range, benefits and other company perks that the qualified candidate can get. -
Contact person for inquiries
Provide a contact person and email address for enquiries in case a candidate wants to clarify some details of the job posting. -
Description of the company
HR can give candidates a brief background about the company so they can have an idea about the organisation they would be applying to. -
Company’s social media profile
It is recommended to include links to the company social media profiles so potential candidates can see how the company’s HR engages with the online community.
What are three objectives of advertisement?
- Inform
- Persuade
- Remind
List down the considerations for the design of a recruitment advertisement.
- Education
- Experience
- Headings
- Personality
- White space
- Social Media Links
- Company information
- Reviews and testimonials
What are common errors found in recruitment advertisements?
- Boring job descriptions
- Posting the job advertisement in the wrong location
What are steps involved in the process to place a recruitment advertisement?
Clearance and details for the position
Step 1: Department informs HR of their need to hire
Step 2: HR confirms that there is an available headcount for the department to hire
Step 3: Department updates HR on the job scope that is required to be filled
Step 4: HR consults the department and drafts the requirements
Step 5: Department agrees to the job scope and HR proceeds to clear with management
Step 6: HR checks and consults on the budget for the proposed salary .
Step 7: Management clears the budget and approves the recruitment of the additional headcount
Step 8: HR requests for budget and duration of recruitment exercise
Step 9: HR gets approval and posts up the advertisement -
Process for the Online site
Step 1: Go to a job posting website such as indeed or linkedin.
Step 2: Find their job posting page
Step 3: Enter the details about the company and job position
Step 4: Decide on a budget
Step 5: Confirm the job posting
Step 6: Monitor the results and try different sites as needed.
Step 7: Follow-up
List down some of the activities after the placement of a recruitment advertisement?
- Review applications
- Initial screening
- interviews
- applicant assessment
- Background check
- Reference check
- Decision
- Job offer
- Hiring
- On-boarding
Define Recruitment agencies.
Recruitment agencies are external firms who go and find candidates for employers.
What are the benefits of engagement a recruitment agency?
Network and reach
Recruitment agencies recruit consistently as a job. They would have a huge reservoir of candidates from across various countries or even locally. -
Pool of candidates
Such agencies have ready candidates or available resources to gather candidates for an organisation. -
Help with employer brand
Organisations also engage the agencies and convey their branding to them. -
Access to key strategic skills
HR can focus on developing other strategic skillsets to help the organisation succeed such as undergoing development in data analytics. -
Budget and Resource contraints
Costs can be spent better on engaging staff and developing training costs.
List down the factors to consider when selecting a recruitment agency.
- Talent required
- Recruitment techniques
- Additional Value-Added Service
- Transparency
- Market Knowledge
List down the advantages of Online recruitment.
- Cost effective
- Immediate
- Reach a bigger audience
- Easy to use
- More dynamic job advertisements
- Flexible
- Durable
- Accessible
- Expedites the hiring process
List down the disadvantages of Online Recruitment
- Costs can spiral
- Difficult to measure effectiveness
- Attracts bad candidates
- A lot of competition
- Lost labour hours
- Attracts fraudalent applicants