Unit 2 Flashcards
Function of Lymphatic system
Immunity (transport WBC, pathogens to L nodes, production of antibodies, destruction of pathogens. Interstitial fluid return. Transport fat from small intestine to veins
Lymphatic Heirarchy
lyphatic capillaries- L. vessels- L node- L vessel- L trunk- L duct- subclavian veins
Function of L capillaries
collect interstitial fluid.
Lymph Vessels
Same tunic anatomy as veins
Contain semi lunar valves
Periodic lymph nodes
Lymph Trunks
Same tunic anatomy as veins
collect lymph from L vessels
Lymph Ducts
same tunic anatomy as veins
collect lymph from L trunks
Both ducts dumph into subclaian veins
How is the dermis connected to the Lymphatic system
any break in the dermis allows entry into the L system (many L cappilaries) e.g. bee stings, spider bites
Lymph Glands
destroys pathogens
house up number dividing and mature lymphocytes and macrophates
located along L pathways
Swollen Glands
Cervical nodes become enlarged with a throat or respiratory infection
Sentinel lymph nodes
First node in line to drain tumor… Should therefore be the first to receive cells from metastisizng cancer.
Elephantiasis (lymphedema)
Obstruction of the lymph nodes caused by nematode worms, tumors or infection and results in tissue edema and collagen fiber formation
Lymph formation
Blood capillary filtration pushes plasma into interstitial spaces and then I to lymph capillaries
Lymph flow
Skeletal muscle contraction in limbs
Contraction of respiratory muscles and abdominal viscera
Smooth muscle contraction in large lymph vessels and trunks
Lymph edema
If interstitial fluid accumulation exceeds it’s movement into lymph capillaries
func: maturation of T lymphocytes from red marrow
Shrinks post-puberty then partially replaced by CT in elderly.
- Filter blood in same manner as nodes filter lymph.
old RBC via capillary channels
cellular debris via macrophages
pathogens via lymphocytes and macrophages - Hemopoesis in fetus
Unencapsulated lymph tissue
func: gather and remove inhaled and ingested pathogens…. bacteria attacked by dense concentrations of lymphocytes.
inflammation of the tonsils
Peyer’s Patches
(aggregated lymphoid nodules)
located in ileum
func: gather and remove ingested pathogens
func: gather and remoe ingested pathogens
inflammation of the appendix usually resulting from bacterial infection
two lymphatic responses to pathogens
nonspecific defens and specific defense
nonspecific defense
defense mechanism same and regardless of type of pathogen (phgocytosis, fever, inflammation)
specific defens
defense is directed at specific antigen (blood antigen, immunizations)
Types of Nonspecifc Defenses
(not all listed are part of lymphatic system)
1. species resistance
2. mechanical barriers
3. chemical barriers
4. fever
5. inflammation
6. phagocytosis
Species resistance
entire species is resistant to a group of pathogens
alteration of species resistance
the evolution of new pathogen variants (avian flu)
a disease that can be transmitted from non-human animals to humans (avian flu, swine flu, coid, chicken pox, hiv)
mechanical barries
- integument- hard to penetrate and slough off carrying pathogens
- mucous membranes- carries pathogens in mucous to digestive systme (nose)
chemical barriers
(complement proteins)
1. interferons- produced by virus infected cells that interfere with replication of virus in other cells. (increase phagocytosis and decrease tumor growth)
2. defensins- produced by granulocytes. Punch holes in bacteria membranes and cell walls
3. collectins- detect sublte differences in non self antigens then bind to surface making cells more obvious to phagocytes
4. misc chemicals- not complement proteins
1. lymphocyte secretions cause hypothalamus to raise body temp
2. increase temp causes liver and spleen to retain Fe.
3. bacteria and fungi unable to reproduce without iron.
4.increase temp. increased phagocytosis
5. high temps denature pathogen proteins
localized swelling, redness and heat
removal of cells and debris by phagocytes
specific defenses
immunity- resistance to a particular pathogen or its toxins (immune response resulte of lymphoctyes and macrophages recognizing non-self/foreign antigens)
T cells
formed in red marrow and mature in thymus. reside in lymphatic organs
helper t
mobilize immune response against pathogens by activation b cells
memory t
t cells that docked with foreign antigen ain previous infection
func: prepare system for rapid response to reinfection
cytotoxic t
when activated, destroys cancerous and virus infected cells by destroying membrane
natural killer t
attack cancerous and virus infected cells. Do not require foreign antigen for stiumlus. Always on patrol in blood and lymph
B cells
formed and mature in red marrow. Reside in lymphatic organs
B plasma cells
prduce antibodies for defense
memory b
cells that did not differentiate into plasma cells during a previous infection
func: prepare systme for rapid response to reinfection
Immune response to foreign antigens
- macrophages engulf foreing cell and display foreign antigens on its own membrane.
… macrophages travel to lymph nodes to activate helper t.. are a type of antigen presenting cell… - helper t doc with macrophage displayed foreign antigen, release cytokines that stiumlate B cells to reproduce
3.B cells produce clones that release antibodies that mimc b cell antigen receptors - antibodies dock with foreign antigens and trigger destruction of cell
- some b and t cells turn into memory b and t cells and awat future infection
polyclonal immune response
pathogens may have multiple forms of antigens: multiple forms of antibodies may attack them
humoral immunity (antibody-mediated immunity)
production of antibodies to fight pathogens
cell-mediated immunity
destruction of pathogens by direct cellular activity
cancer of plasma b cells. Mutant plasma b cells build up in the marrow producing over crowding and a decrease in RBC and they also produce an abnormal antibdy which causes renal failure. Multiple meloma manifests in bones and soft tissues
forms of humoral immune response
primary and secondary