Unit 2 Flashcards
What is Kin policing
An early form of policing that relied on family and clans to be responsible for the behaviors of their people
Bow street runners
An early English police unit similar to vigalanties
London Metropolitan Police Act
Passed in 1829, this act led to the first formal police department, the London Metropolitan Police, led by Sir Robert Peel
Slave patrols
Police-type organizations were created in the American South considered to be one of the first police departments
Political Era (184-1920)
Paid police
Police Officers were political appointees
Reform era
Early 1930s to the 1970s. A direct reaction to the politics of before; took the form of police professionalism and antipolitics.
Mapp v. Ohio(1961)
Illegally obtained evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial
Miranda v. Arizona (1966)
5th Amendment self-incrimination clause (Miranda rights)
Terry v. Ohio (1968)
Police can search and seize if they have probable cause
Community Era of Policing
The era of policing beginning in the 1980s that has been characterized by proactive police efforts to better involve the community and address crime and crime-related problems
Scanning, Analysis, Response, Assessment
federalists system. decentralized law enforcement agency
an area of authority or control; the right to administer justice
federal jurisdiction agencies
Bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms, and explosives
Local law enforcement
Regions that include townships and special district police, municipal or metropolitan police and county law enforcement
State Law Enforcement
Often defined as highway patrols. Provides investigative and emergency assistance to local agencies.
State Law Enforcement
Often defined as highway patrols. Provides investigative and emergency assistance to local agencies.
Federal Law Enforcement
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms amongst many others
International Law enforemcent
Private Security
security services, such as guard and patrol services, provided by private corporations or individuals rather than police officers
police subculture
Formal and practical education, shared occupational tasks, use of force, authority, and weapons, general shared Normas and expectations
values, and such that shapes the way of life for people
patterns that identify with smaller segments of people
need to live close, pass physical and health requirement, and not have an outstanding criminal history
Basic training
skills and knowledge gained, and reading skills go up
Field training
on the job, assist leading officer
in-service training
help keep up to date with laws and ordinances
sources of stress
nature of work, negative media, shift work, danger, and individual issues
reactions to stress physically
headaches, muscle aches
reactions to stress emotionally
fear, guilt, irritable, anger, anxiety, sadness
type of stress(7-19% of officers)
coping mechanisms
Action- counseling, or therapy
Misuse of substances
Substance abuse
coping mechanism, increased access, social pressure, police subculture
family problems
nature of job, style of work, divorce rates higher
health problems
elevated because of work- heart problems, cancer, depression, and diabetes
Higher stress, substance abuse, corruption
suicide in officers
90% males
25% veterans with over 20 years of service
Types of services
find people, find animals, help lost individuals
types of reactive maintenance
Police provide assistance in helping resotre community
types of proactive maintenance
presence of police prohibit crime in first places
Broken Windows Theory
a theory proposing that even small acts of crime, disorder, and vandalism can threaten a neighborhood and render it unsafe
zero tolerance policing
aggressive targeting of minor infractions
patrol functions
protect and defend, repress criminal behavior, reduce accidents, sense of community, and maintain order
types of patrol
-preventative patrol
-directed patrol
-aggressive patrol
-motorized vs foot patrol
“behavior that violated the criminal code and is committed by youth who have not reaches a statutorily prescribed age”
“school-to-prison pipeline”
the established relationship between severe disciplinary practices, increased rates of dropping out of school, lowered academic achievement, and court or juvenile detention involvement
Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE)
Officers encourage resistance to drugs by classroom teaching
Student Resource Officer (SRO)
There to help kids, and prevent harm
Gang Resistance Education and Training (GREAT)
A Dare-like program that discourages youth from joining gangs
police violence
violence by and against the police; it can be justified or unjustified, legal or illegal, and deadly or non-deadly
Tennessee v. Garner (1985)
Deadly force may not be used against an unarmed and fleeing suspect unless necessary to prevent the escape and unless the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious injury to the officers or others.
- Conducted-energy divices (CEDs)
- Verbal commands
- Physical restraints
- Chemical agents
- Tactical weapons
- Firearms
- encounters- how to do it safely
- body armor
- cameras
search and siezure
the act of police searching or taking into possession a person or their property
Stopping and frisking
reasonable suspicion- stop and short detainment
No-knock seraches
No warrant
good faith exception
officers made an honest and reasonable effort
inevitable discovery exception
evidence might have been obtained even if the officer did not illegally sieze it
Purged Taint Exception
suspect willfully offers information
independent source exception
officers can demonstrate info was obtained from source unrelated to the illegal search or sieze
“When police take a person into custody after commission of an offense”
arrest warrants
Peace officers must articulate probable cause that
(1) a crime has been committed and
(2) the individual to be arrested committed that crime
Miranda Rights
A list of rights that police in the United States must read to suspects in custody before questioning them
public saftey exception
permits questions if answers are imperative to police safety
The formal process of making a police record of an arrest
- mobile digital terminals
- crime mapping and predictive policing
- computer-assisted training
- surveillance
- video recording
- digital photos
- robotics
economic prosperity
crime decrease, more legitimate opportunities to obtain money
economic stress
increase in crime, encourages people to go into police work
war on drugs
- affected urban areas and African American males
- Police is the enemy
- focus on more serious crimes, not on drug related ones
international crime challenges
- Terrorism
- Organized crime
- High-tech crime
- Human trafficking
- Drug trafficking
- Illegal weapons
- Environmental crimes
- International gang-related crimes