unit 2 Flashcards
Real Estate REal Property KEY POINTS:
Real estate is defined as the land plus appurtenances that are attached to the land
what are appurtenances?
they include improvements, rights, interest, fixtures and privileges
- they are attached to and transfer or run with the land
What are the different land rights?
Surface rights,
substance rights
air rights
What are improvements in real estate?
items attached to the land with the intent of being permanent
examples are house, fence, road, landscaping
what are surface rights?
the entire surface of the land
what are air rights
rights extend as high as can be legally used, government controlled
what are water rights?
Riparian and Littoral
ownership rights generally extend to the average high water mark
they do not automatically include the right of waterfront access to the water source
Riparian is?
land abudtting flowing water R=River
Littoral is?
land abutting standing water (L=Lake)
what is accretion
gradual addition to land through natural causes
what is erosion
gradual wearing away of the land by natural forces
what are avulsion?
sudden loss of land by an act of nature
Where water is scarce, ownership and use of water are often determined by the what?
doctrine of prior appropriation
Mineral rights
may be held by a 3rd party
real estate is transferred by what?
a deed
personal property key points
all property that is not real property
is moveable
is not attached permanently to the land and
must be included in the purchase contract to transfer with the property
what is personal property transferred by?
a bill of sale
what are fixtures?
an object that was once a personal property that has been attached to an improvement so as to become real property
the land is never a fixture
Once the fixture is attached it becomes an APPURTENANCE and automatically transferred with the deed.
Test for intent is:
was the object affixed or installed with the apparent intent of improving the land? attachment: -permanence of method -built-in=fixture -freestanding=personal property
- specific to individual property
- house keys, garage opener
-the written contract is the final decision on what will be conveyed
fixtures must be excluded from the purchase contract if the seller is not going to convey
What are annually cultivated crops that belong to the party who planted them, unless otherwise agreed?
all property other than real estate is known as
personal property
The definition of real estate includes:
land, improvements, rights
which of the following would ordinarily be considered personal property?
Drapery rods
built in bookcase
ceiling fan
True or false: Trade fixtures are treated the same as all other fixtures?