Unit 1B - Creationism and Science Flashcards
What is the story of creation from Genesis 1:1-2:3?
- In the beginning there was nothing but a dark void
- On the first day God created the heavens, the earth, light, darkness, day and night
- On the second day he created sky
- On the third day he created seas, dry land and plants
- On the fourth day he created the sun, moon and stars
- On the fifth day he created water animals and birds
- On the sixth day he created land animals and humans “in his own image”
- On the seventh day God rested from his work
What is the creation story from Genesis 2:4-25?
- God created the heavens and the earth
- Then he created Adam “from the dust of the ground”
- He put Adam in the Garden of Eden where he made plants and rivers
- He made all of the animals and let Adam name them; then he created Eve from one of Adam’s ribs
What do Hindus believe about the origins of the universe?
- For Hindus, the universe we live in is not the first, nor will it be the last
- The universe is created by Brahma, who made the universe out of himself - since Brahma is part of Brahman, everything is ultimately part of Brahman
- Vishnu preserves the universe and everything that lives in it
- Shiva destroys the universe so that Brahma can create it again
- These three gods as known as the Trimurti and are in charge of the process of birth, death and re-birth
What does Christianity/Judaism teach about the place of humans?
- God made human beings “in his own image” - this means all human life is sacred
- It is God who gives life and only God can take it away
- Humans have a special relationship with God - it is our duty to worship him and give thanks for what he has created
- The creation of humans is a deliberate act
- Humans are called to be stewards of God’s creation and must be responsible for the protection of the environment and all other living things
Give an example of a creation story from Hinduism.
- In the beginning there was nothing but a vast ocean where Vishnu lay sleeping on the coils of a great sea snake
- A lotus flower grew from his navel which Brahma was sitting on
- Brahma split the flower into three to make the heavens, the sky and the earth
- He created vegetation and creatures out of himself: from his mouth, his head and his hands
What does Hinduism teach about the place of humans?
- Like the universe, humans also go through a cycle of birth, death and reincarnation
- Humans are no more or less important than any other aspect of creation - everything is ultimately part of Brahman and everything will return to him
What is the story of creation given in the Quran?
- As in Christianity/Judaism, Allah created the universe in 6 days
- In the beginning, the universe was one entity.
*Allah created the distinct features of the universe by commanding them to come into being. - Allah created angels and sent them to Earth to collect handfuls of soil of different colours.
- Using the soil Allah made the first man, Adam, breathing life and power into him.
- Eve was created from his side and they were placed in Paradise together.
What was the Christian understanding of the creation of the universe before the 19th century?
- The world was no more than around 6000 years old
- God created the world in six days
- God designed and made all the different types of plants and animals
- Human beings were placed at the top of creation as stewards
- Human beings are greater than animals, made in the image of God and capable of having a relationship with God
What did William Smith suggest about creation?
That there may have been more than one act of creation - God may have created different plants and animals at different stages in the history of the world
What did Charles Lyell suggest about creation?
That creation may have been a more gradual process happening over millions of years
What is the theory of evolution?
Plants and animals produce more offspring than can ever survive, and those who survive are the best suited to their environment - over millions of years species change and evolve
What parts of evolutionary theory come into conflict with Christian teaching?
- Genesis states that God created sea creatures and birds on the 5th day of creation and land animals and humans on the 6th day - however evolutionary theory states that there is no distinction between fish, birds and animals and they have developed from each other over time
- Genesis states the world was created in 6 days - evolutionary theory suggests creation took place over millions of years
- Genesis states that God created humans in his own image and with responsibility over the rest of creation - evolutionary theory suggests humans evolved like any other species and are part of a natural process
Who is associated with the theory of evolution?
Charles Darwin
What is the name for Christians who take the biblical account of creation as absolutely and literally true?
What arguments do fundamentalists put forward against evolution?
- The trees in the Garden of Eden may have had rings in their trunks, giving the impression that they were many years old
- God may have planted fossils in the layers of the earth to test people’s faith
- Many are offended by the idea humans evolved from other species like apes
- Many say it is ridiculous to say plants, animals and humans have evolved from each other through natural selection