Unit 1A - Existence of God Flashcards
What is a theist?
Someone who believes in the existence of God or gods
What is an atheist?
Someone who does not believe in God or gods
What is an agnostic?
Someone who believes that nothing can be known about the existence of God
Who is the First Cause Argument associated with?
St Thomas Aquinas
What are the key points of the First Cause Argument?
- Everything in the universe is part of a chain of cause and effect.
- Something must have happened to start this chain of cause and effect as infinite regress is impossible.
- This first cause must be eternal otherwise it would need a cause.
- This first cause or uncaused causer is God.
What are the criticisms of the First Cause Argument?
- If God can be eternal, then you could argue the universe can be too (eg. Steady State theory)
- Aquinas cannot prove that infinite regress is impossible
- From a religious perspective, this argument reduces God to a distant being that simply created the universe
What is the First Cause Argument also known as?
The Cosmological Argument
Who is associated with the Design Argument?
William Paley and Isaac Newton
What are the main points of the Design Argument?
- Paley made an analogy comparing the earth to a watch - if you found a watch on the moor you would see how all the springs and cogs work together to keep time - it would be natural to conclude the watch was designed by someone.
- He argued that in the same way a watch is incredibly complex, so is the universe - eg. the earth is the perfect distance from the sun, animals are adapted to their habitats
What are the criticisms of the Design Argument?
- Complexity does not necessarily mean design - for example Darwin’s theory of evolution suggests all creatures came to be through random chance and years of natural selection.
- We cannot assume the world was designed by God.
- The world does not seem so well designed at times - eg. volcanoes and earthquakes. The existence of evil and suffering suggest God is not all good/powerful (see unit 3)
- David Hume argued the world was “only the first rude essay of some infant deity, who afterward abandoned it, ashamed of his performance”.
What is the Design Argument also known as?
The Teleological Argument
What are the strengths of the First Cause argument?
It is compatible with the teachings in the book of Genesis as well as the Big Bang theory
What are the strengths of the Design Argument?
It is compatible with the teachings of Genesis
Who is associated with the Religious Experience Argument?
Richard Swinburne
What is the term for experiencing the presence of something greater?
Numinous experiences