unit 1A Flashcards
The oldest records of the use of therapeutic nants and minerals are derived from the ancient
civilizations of the
Chinese, Hindus, Mayans of Central America, and Mediterranean people of antiquity
a book describing drugs,
chemicals, and medicinal preparations
especially: one issued by an otticially recognized authority and serving as a standard.
compiled a book about herbs, which includes ch’ang shang, an antimalarial alkaloid, and ma huang, (treatment of hypotension) from which ephedrine was isolated.
Scholar Emperor Shen Nung (2735 BC)
an antimalarial alkaloid
ch’ang shang
ephedrine was isolated from this plant
ma huang (treatment for hypotension)
was known to the indigenous American Indians for a treatment to various skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema
Chaulmoogra fruit
contains emetine and was used in Brazil for the treatment of dysentery and diarrhea.
Ipecacuanha root
a class of medications used to induce nausea and vomiting for the emergency treatment of poisoning with certain toxins that have been swallowed.
emetic agents
The early explorers found that the South American Indians also chewed these and used as hallucinogens.
coca leaves (containing cocaine)
mushrooms (containing tryptamine)
herbs found in ancient Greek apothecary shops
opium (non synthetic narcotic)
squill (expectorant)
hyoscyamus (treats pain and a local anesthetic)
viper toxin
metallic drugs found in ancient Greek apothecary shops
zinc ores
iron sulfate
cadmium oxide
the first father of Toxicology (1493– 1541) who used Antimony as a purgative and gained much popularity after it was used to cure Louis XIV.
Paracelsus (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim)
It is also used to treat people infected with certain types of parasites; such as people who have schistosomiasis.
they refined and extended the techniques of chemical analysis. The emphasis was shifted from finding new medicaments from the vast world of plants to finding the active ingredients that accounted for their pharmacologic properties.
European chemists
German chemist synthesized acetic acid in 1845.
Hermann Kolbe
French chemist synthesized methane in 1856.
Pierre-Eugène-Marcellin Berthelot
He isolated morphine in 1803.
Friedrich Wilhelm Sertürner
He isolated emetine in 1816.
Also had significant contributions in purification of caffeine (CNS Stimulant), quinine (anti- malarial), and colchicine (anti-gout) in 1820.
Pierre-Joseph Pelletier
the English physician and botanist who used digitalis for the treatment of dropsy.
William Withering
German chemist, isolated cocaine in 1860 and the active ingredient, physostigmine (treatment of Glaucoma and antidote for atropine poisoning), from the calabar bean in 1864.
Albert Niemann
Domagk reported that this red dyestuff (2,4- diaminoazobenzene-4′-sulfonamide) dramatically cured dangerous, systemic Gram- positive bacterial infections in man and animals.
the first antibacterial drug, (introduced 1935) and the first of the sulfonamide antibiotics.
in 1940, they observed that the bacteriostatic action of sulfonamide-like drugs was antagonized by PABA (Para-aminobenzoic Acid)
Woods and Fildes
β-lactam antibiotics discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928 and its subsequent examination by Howard Florey and Ernst Chain in 1938.
When did Florey’s team successfully cured infected mice with penicillin?
May 25, 1940
What is Penicillin known as for curing infectious disease and saving millions of lives?
War’s “Miracle Drug”
When were Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain, Sir Howard Florey awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect in various infectious diseases.”?
were used to modify the mood and mental states of psychiatric patients.
Stimulants and Depressants
were used to stimulate or depress the mental states of patients.
The synthesis of ____ by Charpentier ultimately caused a revolution in the treatment of schizophrenia.
chlorpromazine (CPZ)
Where did Charpentier first synthesized the molecule in 1950?
Rhone-Poulenc’s research laboratory
He reported distinctive effects on animal behavior
Simon Courvoisier
a French military surgeon who first noticed distinctive psychotropic effects in man
Henri Laborit
French psychiatrists who clearly outlined what has now become CPZ’s accepted use in psychiatry and without whose endorsement and prestige, Rhone-Poulenc might never have developed it further as an antipsychotic.
They introduced chlorpromazine to the world
Pierre Deniker and Jean Delay
Chlorpromazine became available as ___
The first pure hormone to be isolated from an endocrine gland
In 1914, this biochemist isolated thyroxine (T4) from the thyroid gland.
He subsequently won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1950 for his discovery of the activity of cortisone.
Edward Kendall
A major achievement in drug discovery and development in 1921 from animal sources.
discovery of insulin
a hormone created by your pancreas, it regulates your body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
By 1922, researchers, with the help of this Canadian biochemist and the pharmaceutical industry, were able to purify and produce animal-based insulin in large quantities.
James B. Collip
In the early 1930s, he found that for hundreds of years, Mexican women had been eating wild yams of the Dioscorea genus for contraception.
Russell Marker
Marker determined that it is abundant in yams and has a structure similar to that of progesterone.
In 1950, this chemist working at the Syntex Laboratories in Mexico City, synthesized norethindrone, the first orally active contraceptive steroid, by a subtle modification of the structure of progesterone.
Carl Djerassi
the first orally active contraceptive steroid, by a subtle modification of the structure of progesterone.
The first use of synthetic organic chemicals for the modulation of life processes occurred when these were introduced in anesthesia during the 1840s.
nitrous oxide, ether, and chloroform
a dentist in Hartford, Connecticut, administered nitrous oxide during a tooth extraction.
Horace Wells
A Georgia physician who employed ether as an anesthetic for excising a growth on a patient’s neck.
Crawford Long
A dentist who gave the first successful public demonstration of surgical anesthesia on October 16, 1846, at the surgical amphitheater that is now called the Ether Dome at. Massachusetts General Hospital.
William Morton
When did Paracelsus (1493– 1541) popularize the use of opium in Europe?
In the sixteenth century
An alcoholic solution of opium in the sixteenth century.
It was first isolated in pure crystalline form from opium in 1803 by the German apothecary Friedrich W. Sertürner, who named the compound “morphium,” after Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams.
Friedrich W. Sertürner named the compound after Morpheus, the Greek God of Dreams.
Since antiquity, alcoholic beverages and potions containing laudanum, an alcoholic extract of opium, and various other plant products have been used to __?
induce sleep
were used in the middle of the nineteenth century as a sedative-hypnotic, as was chloral hydrate, paraldehyde, urethane, and sulfenal.
It was synthesized by the Bayer Pharmaceutical Company and introduced to the market under the name Luminal.
The compound was effective as a hypnotic, but it also exhibited anticonvulsant properties.
Modification of the barbituric acid molecule also led to the development of the ___.
It is also known as diphenylhydantoin or Dilantin, and was first synthesized in 1908, but its anticonvulsant properties were not discovered until 1938.
Because it was not a sedative at ordinary doses, it established that anti-seizure drugs need not induce drowsiness.
It was attributed to William Withering, who in 1775 discovered that the foxglove plant, Digitalis purpurea, was beneficial to those suffering from abnormal fluid buildup.
The active principles of digitalis were isolated in 1841 by _____. These active principles consisted mainly of digitoxin.
E. Humolle and T. Quevenne in Paris
Cholesterol-lowering drugs, one of the cornerstones in the prevention of both primary and secondary heart diseases.
The discovery of the statins can be credited to this research scientist at Sankyo Pharmaceuticals in Japan.
Akira Endo
It was really the first effective leukemia drug and was developed by George Hitchings and his technician, Gertrude Elion, who later on shared the Nobel Prize in 1988.
He discovered cisplatin as a cancer treatment.
Barnett Rosenberg, PhD. (1965)
It is now the gold standard against which new medicines are compared.
second generation compounds which has less toxicity and fewer side effects.
The third compound in this class of anticancer agents which was discovered in 1963 by Monroe E. Wall and Masukh C. Wani.
Paclitaxel sold under the brand name of Taxol
Discovered Paclitaxel (Taxol) in 1963
Monroe E. Wall and Masukh C. Wani
Taxol was isolated from extracts of the bark of this tree.
Pacific Yew Tree (Taxus brevifolia)
plant origin of opium
Poppy (Papaver somniferum)
acute gouty arthritis
chronic gouty arthritis
Malaria parasite
Plasmodium falciparum
to pause bacteria
to kill bacteria
it thickens the mucous lining to prevent the entry of sperm
100mL alcohol : __g of opium
used in treatment of seizures and epilepsy
It is used as anesthetic before but not anymore due to its toxicity to liver
antitubercular drug
first generation tricyclic depressant
monoamone oxidase inhibitor
sympathomimetic amines
it is important in body metabolism
t4 (thyroxine)
low t4 -> higher build up of cholesterol
hormone made by the kidneys
good cholesterol
High Density Lipoprotein
bad cholesterol
Low Density Lipoprotein
High levels of this cholesterol can lower your risk for heart disease and stroke
High levels of this cholesterol can raise your risk for heart disease and stroke
Buildup caused by LDL cholesterol
used in the treatment of myocardial ischemia, pharmacotherapy of congestive heart failures, arrythmia, and hypercholesteremia.
it is the active form of t4 (thyroxine)
t3 (triiodothyronine)