Unit 16- Information Age Flashcards
a traditional saying that is accepted by many as true or partially true; proverb
- develop, metamorphose, adapt yourself Modern birds evolved from dinosaurs.
- grow, develop, advance, progress, mature Popular music evolved from folk songs.
- work out, develop, progress, expand, elaborate, unfold, enlarge, unroll He evolved a working method from which he has never departed.
nuggets of wisdom.
anything small but of great value or significance:
n, pl -ties
- (Economics) an article of commerce
- something of use, advantage, or profit
- (Economics) economics an exchangeable unit of economic wealth, esp a primary product or raw material
- (Economics) a quantity of goods
- convenience or expediency
highly attractive and able to arouse hope or desire; “an alluring prospect”; “her alluring smile”; “the voice was low and beguiling”; “a tempting invitation”
- to attract or tempt by something flattering or desirable.
- to fascinate; charm.
v.i. - to be attractive or tempting.
n. - fascination; charm; appeal.
Ex:The dog was allured by the smell of roasting meat.
quality of being difficult to detect or analyze; “you had to admire the subtlety of the distinctions he drew”
pl. n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)
1. Facts that can be analyzed or used in an effort to gain knowledge or make decisions; information.
2. Statistics or other information represented in a form suitable for processing by computer.
3. Plural of datum.
n 1. (Sociology) sociol the hierarchical structures of class and status in any society
Social standing
- To be great in number or amount: “In areas where scorpions abound, spider populations are generally kept in check” (Natalie Angier).
- To have something in great numbers or amounts. Often used with in or with: “Neanderthal sites … abound with artifacts, including scrapers, choppers, hand axes, and knives” (Philip and Carol Zaleski). See Synonyms at teem1.
- Conforming exactly to fact
- Preciso
- Capable of providing a correct reading or measurement: an accurate scale.
- Acting or performing with care and precision; meticulous: an accurate proofreader.
having no bias or prejudice; fair or impartial
1. able to be trusted; predictable or dependable
- the point or place from which something originates
- (Physical Geography)
a. a spring that forms the starting point of a stream; headspring
b. the area where the headwaters of a river rise: the source of the Nile. - a person, group, etc, that creates, issues, or originates something: the source of a complaint.
- To take for granted; suppose: The study assumes that prices will rise.
a. To take upon oneself (a duty or obligation): assume responsibility; assume another’s debts.
b. To undertake the duties of (an office): assumed the presidency.