Unit 15- Modern Fiction Flashcards
emphasis on the truthful portrayal of life
continued to be popular through the twentieth century
local color regional writing
stressed the negative aspects of life and believed that people are the victims of their environment
journalists nd novelists in the 1930s who shared the critical viewpoint of the Naturalists
one of America’s most acclaimed writers
wrote The Enemy
Pearl S Buck
the doctor in The Enemy
Sadao Hoki’s
main conflict in the Enemy
did the Japanes doctor show kindness to the American soldier
the first American women to receive Nobel Prize
setting of The Enemy
what was Sadao’s father life?
strict, traditional
Sadao’s father’s chief concern
why could Sadao not leave Japan?
wound of the General
ethnicity of Sadao’s wife
Sadao and wife saw on shore
wounded American man (US NAVY)
made Sadao be compassionate
soldier wounded
what did Sadao call his patients
my friend
soldier’s name
happened to General
became ill
plan General made
assassinate Tom
what did Sadao do
help Tom escape
theme of THe Enemy
get over prejudices
wrote Mama and the Hospital
Kathryn Forbes
Mama was trying to stop
Dagmar’s earache
why was Sadao important?
made a technique to efficiently clean wound; needed by General
did Sadao tell anyone about Tom?
yes, he told the General
Mama’s characteristics
child who was sick
where was Dagmar sent
Clinic Hospital
did Mama go for the hospital that she did not have to pay or the one that they had to pay?
one to pay bc had better care
Mama’s two plans to get in to see Dagmar
take packages to Dagmar (not work)
mop the floors (worked)
did Mama get to see Dagmar?
yes ;got to feel forehead
wrote Cabbages is Beautiful
Edna Ferber
why did Widow basket’s only bring 45 cents?
not liked
How much Pervus pay for Selina’s basket
Selina stayed with
the Pools
Selina thought this beautiful
Selina’s profession
wrote The baby Party
F. Scott Fitzgerald
wrote Old Man at the Bridge
Ernest Hemingway