Unit 14- Modern Poetry Flashcards
three most distinct voices in modern poetry
Robinson, Frost, Cummings
America’s greatest modern poet
most experimental modern poet
America’s most influential modern poet
T.S Eliot
problems with modern poetry
- questions traditional values and beliefs
- occupied with modern psychology
- reflects naturalism and turns to Marxism
one group of international experimental poets who organized a revolt against traditional forms
modern poems are characterized by
common speech
free rhythm
and above all the use of clear images
wrote What Riches Have You?
George Santanya
greatest riches
faith and hope we have in God
wrote The Hill
Edgar Lee Masters
theme of What Riches Have You?
faith and hope we have in God are the greatest riches
considered a landmark in American literature
Spon River Anhology
made up of 244 poetic monologues by various characters who have died
Spoon River Anthology
wrote Anne Rutledge
Edgar Lee Masters
Anne Rutlidge loved
Abe Lincoln
wrote Emily Sparks
Emily sparks was a
teacher, old maid
Emily Sparks taught her children about
evil of sin
wrote Lois Spears
Lois Spears disability
what was Lois Spear’s attitude
glory to God
wrote Rev. Lemuel Wiley
” I preached four thousand sermons, I conducted forty revivals.”
Rev. Lemuel Wiley
Wiley’s greatest accomplishment
saved a marriage
wrote Hannah Armstrong
Hannah Armstrong was friends with
Abe Lincoln
what did Hannah Armstrong request
sick son be released from the army
wrote Lucinda Matlock
psuedonym for Master’s grandma
Lucinda Matlock
“Life is too strong for you–
It takes life to live life.”
Lucinda Matlock
The Hill is a
wrote Reuben Pantier
Emily sparks students
wrote Go Down Death- A Funeral Sermon
James Weldon Johnson
literary device used to describe death in Go Down Death
reason for Sister Caroline’s death
God had pity on her because of her pain
Sister Caroline’s testimony
done much for Christ
worked hard
Sister Caroline emotion towards death
not fear
wrote The Creation
James Weldon Johnson
qualities of God in Creation
more like a human
message to us about God’s creation of man
made us exactly how He wanted
made us in His one image
first black person to be admitted to the Florida bar
James Weldon Johnson
wrote When All is Done
Paul Larence Dunbar
probably the first black poet to use black dialect in poems and novels
Paul Laurence Dunbar
what did Laurence say in When All Is DOne
don’t mourn for me
according to When All is done, death is a
wrote We Wear the Mask
Paul Laurence Dunbar
theme of We Wear a Mask
hide our hurts from the world but show them to Christ
wrote Hymn
in Hymn storms are metaphor for
wrote The Taxi
Amy Lowell
happened The Taxi
someone left
words describe author feels in The Taxi
prick, sharp edges, ridges, wedge
theme of The Taxi
feel isolated when person leaves
wrote In Flander’s Fields
John McCrae
about dead soldiers
In Flanders Fields
what did the dead soldiers want?
continue fight for freedom
wrote The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost
theme of Road Not Taken
take the right path
wrote The Pasture
Robert Frost
two things speaker plans to do in the Pasture
clean pasture
fetch calf
wrote Tree at My Window
Robert Frost
how are the speaker and the tree alike in Tree at My Window
both had storms
trees enduring outside storm,
boy enduring inward storm
metaphor in Tree t My Window
wrote Revelation
poem from Frost that says he wants relationships, wants to be understood by world
wrote Flower-Gathering
theme of Flower-Gathering
author sad that he’s gone
gave successes and to person he made them for
wrote They Were Welcome to Their Belief
what happened to man’s hair
went white
why did hair go white?
old age
wrote Birches
theme of Birches
He wants to go back to the days of no worries
God’s presence will keep us safe
birch trees described
light and bending
metaphors Birches
filling jug- climbing trees
what does it mean to be a swinger of birches
wants to let go of cares and concerns of life for a while
most outstanding AMerican poet of the twentieth century