Unit 14: Moving Abroad Flashcards
Accountable decision-making
phrase making decisions for which you accept responsibility
Be the case
phrase to be true
Brain drain
noun the situation in which large numbers of educated and very skilled people have their own country to live and work in another one where pay and conditions are better
Donβt get me wrong
phrase used when you do not want someone to think that you do not like someone or something
Feel special ties
phrase to feel an emotional connection with a place or a person
Feeling of insecurity
phrase a feeling that you are not safe or protected
Fit in
phrasal verb to feel that you belong to a particular group and are accepted by them
Get ideas across
phrase communicate ideas to other people
Have a different take on something
phrase to have a different opinion or different way of thinking about something
Language barrier
phrase the difficulty of communication between people who do not speak the same language well
Look down on someone
phrasal verb to think that someone is less important or intelligent than you
Make good
phrase to succeed and become rich
Make the transition
phrase to change from one situation to another
Marry up
phrasal verb to combine different things successfully so that they work well together
Melting pot
noun a place where people of many different races and from different countries live together
Mixed marriage
phrase a marriage between people of different races
adjective not as important as other things
noun an idea or opinion formed before enough information is available for it to be accurate
adjective limiting the amount or freedom of something
Settle down
phrasal verb to start living in a place where you intend to stay for a long time usually with a partner
The driving force
phrase a person or thing that has a very strong influence and makes something happen
The essence of something
phrase to be the most important part of the character of something
Untapped potential
phrase something that could be useful but that is not being used