Unit 11: Being Somewhere Else Flashcards
Call (someone) up
phrasal verb to telephone someone.
My dad called me up to tell me the good news
noun death
On his demise, the land will go to his son
adjective causing death
Police are investigating a fatal accident in the town centre
Get your hands on
idiom to be able to obtain something
Hasty judgment
phrase an opinion or conclusion that you have formed too quickly, without knowing enough about the situation
Impose a deadline
phrase to tell somebody a date or time by which something must be done
adjective an inhospitable place is not pleasant or easy to live in because it is too hot, cold, etc.
adjective extremely brave and showing no fear of dangerous situation
Keep someone waiting
phrase to make someone wait for you
Offer condolences
phrase to tell someone that you are very sorry abouth something that has happened to them, especially when someone important to them has died
Off the beaten track
idiom in a place where few people go
On the spur of the moment
idiom if you do something on the spur of the moment, you do it suddenly, without planning it
Open to
phrase willing to experience something
Plain sailing
idiom something that is easy and without problem
Put someone on hold
phrase to leave someone waiting on the telephone before they can speak to someone
Remote wilderness
phrase an area of completely wild land that is far away from where people live
Sponsored walk
phrase a walk that people pay you to do in order to raise money for charity
Starting price
noun the lowest amount of money that you can buy a particular thing for
Stick around
phrasal verb (informal) to stay somewhere for a period of time
adjective causing little or no damage to the environment and therefore able to continue for a long time
Take the rough with the smooth
idiom to accept the unpleasant parts of a situation as well as the pleasant parts
noun a sudden, large amount of something
Voyage into the unknown
phrase a journey to a place that nobody knows about
Within earshot
phrase inside the range of distance where you can hear something