Unit 13 Flashcards
What is the structure of ATP?
3 x phosphate radicals
What are the final products of CHO metabolism? Which is present in the largest quantity?
Glucose - 80%
What happens to fructose and galactose following absorption from the GIT?
Mostly converted to glucose in the liver
How is the liver able to convert other monosaccharides into glucose?
Large quantity glucose-6-phosphatase
How is glucose transported into cells in the a) GIT, b) kidneys, c) peripheral tissues
A and B - sodium glucose co-transport
C - facilitated diffusion
What happens to glucose following entry into a cell? What enzyme is involved? How does the process differ in the liver/kidneys?
Phosphorylated by hexokinase (glucokinase in liver)
Reversible in liver (not in other cells) - liver cells have glucose phosphatase
Describe glycogenesis
Glucose ==> glucose-6-phosphate ==> glucose-1-phosphate ==>uridine diphosphate glucose ==> glycogen
Describe glycogenolysis
Glycogen ==> glucose-1-phosphate ==> glucose-6-phosphate ==> glucose
In glycolysis, which enzyme is responsible for converting glycogen into glucose-1-phosphate?
How is phosphorylase activated?
Both promote cAMP production
Where is glucagon released?
Alpha cells of pancreas
Describe glycolysis
Glucose ==> 2x pyretic acid
What are the net ingredients and products of glycolysis?
Glucose + 2 ADP + 2 P ==> 2 pyruvic acid + 2 ATP + 4H
What happens to the pyruvic acid formed in glycolysis? What else is formed in this reaction?
Concerted to acetyl-CoA
2 pyruvic acid + 2 CoA ==> 2 acetyl-CoA + 2CO2 + 4H
What happens following acetyl-CoA formation? Where does this reaction take place?
Acetyl degraded to CO2 and H in the CAC
Matrix of mitochondria
What is the net result of the CAC?
2 Acetyl CoA + 6 H20 + 2 ADP ==> 4CO2 + 16H + 2CoA + 2ATP
How many hydrogen ions are produced per glucose molecule?
What happens to the H ions produced during CHO metabolism?
20 pair with NAD+
4 pass directly into oxidative process
What happens to H+ produced during CHO metabolism?
Oxidative phosphorylation