Unit 1.2 NHS Structure and function Flashcards
When was the Ministry of Health first created?
When was the NHS established and by who?
NHS was launched on July 5th 1948 by the then minister of health, Aneurin Bevan.
What was established 2 years before the National Health Service Act?
The NHS was created in 1948, two years after the National Health Service Act
What 3 core principles was the NHS based on?
- That is meet the needs of everyone
- That it be free at the point of delivery
- That is be based on clinical need, not ability to pay.
When was the NHS Constitution published by the Department of Health?
March 2011
What does the NHS Constitution set out?
It sets out the guiding principles of the NHS and your rights as an NHS patient.
How many key principles of the Constitution are there and what are they underpinned by?
The 7 Key principles of the constitution are underpinned by core NHS values
NHS employment figures across the UK show it is the country’s biggest employer and one of the largest employers globally. What are the employment figures in England, Scotland, Wales and NI?
England = 1,500,000million
Scotland = 163,446
Wales = 78,000
Northern Ireland = 66,281
Most modern healthcare systems within the UK and across the globe are facing similar challenges which include what?
- An ageing population
- A rise in long term conditions
- Advances in treatment/discovery of new drugs
- Higher patient expectations.
What are the principles of the NHS in England?
- Good healthcare should be available to all (based on clinical needs and not the ability to pay)
- Free at the point of use for UK residents.
- Aspires to put patients at the heart of everything.
- NHS is accountable to the public, communities and patients that is serves.
There is widespread recognition that the NHS has been under sustained pressure for a number of years. Since 2010 How much has the number of people over 80 risen by and life expectancy up by?
The number of people over 80 had risen by 340,000 and life expectancy is up by 12 months.
Compared to 6 years ago, how many more operations , more mental health patients and more cancer patients does the NHS undertake?
Every day, the NHS undertakes 5000 more operations, looks after 1,400 more mental health patients and treats 130 more cancer patients than it did just 5 years ago.
The NHS continues to be rated as one of the best health services in the world - what does it have some of the fasted improvements in Europe for and what survival rate is at a record high.
Some of the fastest improvements in Europe for stroke care and heart disease prevention and with cancer survival rates at a record high.
What statutory change in the structure of the NHS in England did the Health and Social Care Act 2012 see?
The abolition of Strategic Health Authorities (SHAs) and Primary Care Trusts (PCTs)along with the introduction of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
The process for the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act - What was published in 2010?
The White Paper Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS was published in 2010.
The process for the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act - What was gained in 2012?
The Health and Social Care Act gained royal assent in 2012.
The process for the introduction of the Health and Social Care Act - What was implemented on 1st April 2013?
1st April the Health and Social Care Act was implemented seeing a more clinically led NHS.
The Health and Social Care Act introduced a number of key changes to the NHS in England, The changes include?
- Giving groups of GP practices and other professionals, CCGs, real budgets to buy care on behalf of their local communities.
- Shifting many of the responsibilities historically located in the Department of Health to a new, politically independent NHS in England.
- The creation of a healthspecific economic regulator (Monitor) with a mandate to guard against anti-competitive practices.
The structure of the NHS can often seem complicated however it can be viewed as three main interconnection sections, what are these?
Commissioners, Providers and Regulators supported by Training and Education and Data and Evidence organisations.
What are examples of Commissioners?
Clinical Commissioning Groups
NHS England
Local Authorities
Greater Manchester Devolution
What are examples of Providers?
Private Providers Voluntary Sector GPs and Other primary care NHS trusts and foundation trusts Accountable care systems
What are examples of Regulators?
Care Quality Commission - Independent regulator for quality
NHS improvement.
Who are each organisation within the system ultimately accountable to and through the delivery of what?
Each organisation within the system has roles and responsibilities that it must undertake and all are ultimately accountable to central government through the delivery of the NHS Mandate and within the parameters of the NHS Constitution.