Unit 12 (Abnormal Behaivour) Unit 13 (Treatment Of) Flashcards
Disorder marked at around age 7 by having one or more of 3 key symptoms
Extreme in attention
Psychological disorders
Deviant, distressful, dysfunctional patterns of thoughts feelings and behaivours.
Medical model
Concept that disorders have physical causes can be diagnosed treated and in most cases can be cured
Anxiety disorders
Disorders characterized by distressing and persistent anxiety
Generalized anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorder in which a person is constantly tense and apprehensive
Panic disorder
Anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable episodes of intense dread, terror and physical pain
Anxiety disorder marked by a persistent irrational fear of a specific object activity or situation
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Anxiety disorder defined by unwanted repetitive thoughts and actions
Post traumatic growth
Positive psychological changes as a result of struggling with a challenging crisis
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Anxiety disorder defined by haunting memories, nightmares and insomnia which lingers for about a month after the trauma
Somatoform disorder
Disorder in which the symptoms take a bodily form without apparent physical cause
Conversion disorder
Bodily disorder where a person experiences very specific physical symptoms with no physiological basis
Bodily disorder where a person interprets normal physical sensations of a disease
Dissociative disorders
The conclusions awareness become separated from previous memories
Rare dissociative disorder where a person exhibits 2 or more changing personalities
Mood disorders
Defined by emotional extremes
Somatoform disorders
Disorder which takes a physical form without physical cause
Conversion disorder
Rare disorder where a person has very specific physical symptoms with no physiological basis
Bodily disorder where someone interprets normal physical sensations as harmful/ a disease
Dissociative disorders
Conscious awareness becomes dissociated from previous memories thoughts and feelings
Multiple personality disorder
person exhibits 2 or more distinct and changing personalities
Mood disorders
defined by emotional extremes
Marked by a hyperactive wildly optimistic state
Bipolar disorder
Person alternates between depression and mania
Major depressive disorder
Due to a lack of a addiction will experience worthlessness lack of interest for pleasure etc
group of disorders defined by delusions disturbia and inappropriate emotions and actions
False beliefs and a alternate view on reality
Personality disorders
Defined by strict and long behavior patterns that impair social functions
Antisocial personality disorder
The person shows a lack of conscious for their wrong doings, can be aggressive
Consists of interactions between therapist and someone wanting to overcome psychological difficulties
(Sigmund Freud) belief that free associations, dreams, resistance and interactions allow for self insight
The blocking from consciousness of anxiety material
The supposed dream meaning, resistances, and behaviors to promote insight
Patients transfer to analyst of emotions linked with other relationships
Psychodynamic therapy
Views individuals as responding to unconscious forces and childhood experiences to promote self insight
Insight therapies
Aim to improve psychological functioning by increasing clients awareness of hidden motives and defenses
Client centered therapy
(Carl Rogers) Therapist uses active listening in a genuine accepting environment to help clients growth
Active listening
(Carl Rogers) Empathetic listening where the listener echoes restates and clarifies
Unconditional positive regard
(Carl Rogers) Caring accepting attitude believed to to help clients to develop self awareness and self acceptance
Behavior therapy
applies learning principles to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
Procedure using classical conditioning to evoke new responses to stimuli that usually trigger unwanted bahaviour
Exposure therapies
Systematic desensitization is used to treat anxieties by exposing people to things they fear and avoid
Systematic desensitization
Associates a pleasant relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety stimuli. Treating phobias
Virtual reality exposure therapy
Anxiety treatment which gradually exposes to simulations of their greatest fears
Aversive conditioning
Type of counterconditioning that associates an unpleasant state with an unwanted behavior
Token economy
Operant conditioning procedure where people earn a prize for exhibiting a desired behavior
Cognitive therapy
Teaches people new more adaptive ways of thinking and acting based on the idea that events and emotions connect
Cognitive behavioral theory
Integrative therapy combining cognitive therapy with behavioral therapy
Family therapy
Treats family as a system. Views individuals unwanted behavior on family
Regression towards the mean
Tendency for extreme or unusual scores to fall back (regress) towards the average
Meta analysis
Statistically combining results of many different studies
Evidence based practice
Decision making that combines best available research with clinical expertise and patients characteristics
Biomedical therapy
Prescribed medication or procedures to directly target nervous system
Study of the effects of drugs on mind and behavior
Antipsychotic drugs
Used to treat schiz and other sever thought disorders
Tardive dyskinesia
Involuntary movement of facial muscles, tongue and limbs. Possible side effect of antipsychotic drugs
Antianxiety drugs
Used to control anxiety and agitation
Antidepressant drugs
Treat depression and also anxiety
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Only for severely depressed patients where a brief electric current is sent through the brain
Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (rTMS)
Application of repeated pulses of magnetic energy to brain. Stimulates or suppresses brain activity
Removes or destroys brain tissue in an effort to alter behavior
Procedure once used to calm unstable or violent patients by cutting nerves connecting the frontal lobes to emotion controlled centers of the inner brain
Personal strength that helps most people cope with stress and recover from adversity and trauma