Unit 12 Flashcards
What are peak() and poke()?
How does the operating system access Ram[addr] using Jack?
An array (called ram) is made, and then set to 0.
What functions are in the Memory class of the Jack operating system?
What is saved to the stack and what is saved to the heap?
What are alloc() and dealloc()?
How do constructors handle allocation of space for new objects?
The constructor uses the operating system’s Memory.alloc() funciton.
How does the operating system use the alloc() function to return the base address of a free memory block?
How does the operating system initiate the heap so that it can be used in the future for memory alocation?
What functions are in the Screen class of the Jack operating system?
What functions are in the OS Keyboard class?
- What fields does the OS String class have?
- What is the code for the constructor of this class?
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