Two things dominate 100 years(1890-1991)?
Balance of power in Europe-ensuring that no one country was vastly more powerful then any other. This was maintained peacefully and violently throughout the years through the LoN(league of nations) alliances, world wars and revolution.
Rise of new ideologies
Berlin congress 1878
Congress called by Otto von Bismark Chancellor of Germany to restore the Balance of Power in Europe after the Russo-Turkish war(1877-78).
What is an entente?
A friendly understanding or informal alliance.
Alliances and ententes made between 1870 and 1907?
-League of the three Emperors 1873-1887-allience between three empires of Germany, Russia and Austro-Hungary with bismarks goal of a peaceful balance of power in Europe. Ended due to competing interests of Austria-Hungary and Russia in the Balkans.
-Dual alliance 1879-Defensive alliance between Austria–Hungary and Germany in case of Russians Attack.
-France-Prussian 1891 and 1892- French finance assitance to Russia.1891 Political agreement was anti-British in intent.1892 Military promised to defend each other from German attack.
-Anglo-French Entente 1904-Agreement to end mutual friction and try to co-operate. ended colonial rivalries and build support against Russia.
Triple Entente-Britain led negations over empire regions of Persia, Tibet and Afghanistan to improve Russian relations.(worried about potential German attack).
Anglo-Russian Entente 1907-Added to Anglo-French Entente that settled empire claims.-closer relations between Britain France and Russia.
views on Imperialism1890-1939 ?
In the late 1800s early 1900s expansion became more important for many countries and colonial Rivalry sprang up. People wanted expansion as it meant national prestige and new places to sell goods.
These empires damaged relations and provided a safety valve as conflicts could be Faught in far off places, not in Europe.
Decline of the Ottoman Empire?
Big cultural and religious issues made the ottoman empire separate to rest of Europe(Muslim Caliphate). Empire tried to reform itself and centralise control to resist invasion from east and west.(Tanzimat era).Caused unrest allowing western powers to exert more influence. The Balance of Power was shifting.
Nationalism within period 1890-1939?
Countries in Balkans saw growing nationalist feelings and wanted to be independent of the Great Powers influence(Serbia being one). All linked to the Assassination of Archduke Franz-Ferdinand.
Militarism in the period 1890-1939?
-1906 Anglo-German Naval Rivalry- In 1906 Britain launched a Dreadnought, that beat everything afloat in terms of speed, firepower and strength. Germany soon built its own competitor. the race of arms began.
-1912 Germany embarked on more ambitious naval programme and army extended by 30%.
-This provoked the entente powers into changing their military strategies.
-France extended military conscription from 2 to 3 years.
-Russian expanded army.
Weltpolitik(world politics)?
Kaiser Wilhelm(German King) wanted to follow policy of Weltpolitik, following his ambition to be the most powerful empire. This would be gained through imperial acquisitions and a large navy.
Pre first world war alliances?
Fear of Germany caused France to form alliance in 1894 pushing Germany closer to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Disagreements rose between Russia and Austria Hungary, who had conflicting ambitions in South Eastern Europe.
Britain’s policy was to maintain a balance of power in Europe. Germany growing strength persuaded Britain to align with its tradition rivals, France in 1904 and Russia in 1907. This connected France Britain and Russia in the Triple Entente. August 1914 military and political leadership of Germany concluded war had to be risked now or they would never see their vision of a greater Germany.
Who was to blame for the first world war. German responsibility?
-Under article 231 Germany to accept full responsibility for the war.
-Germanys aggressive policy’s pre 1900 forced France, Britain and Russia into defensive alignment(triple entente).
-By invading Belgium Germany brought Britain into the war.
-Germany encouraged Austria to take tough line after assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand(by Serbian terrorists).
Historian Fischer claimed Germany was to blame because:
-Pre 1914 Germany were expansionist aims similar to that of Hitler.
-Germany hoped a war would occur due to its backing of Austria Hungary in July 1914.
Who was to blame for the first world war. Austria-Hungary responsibility?
-In 1913-14 Austrian Chief of staff Hotzendorf urged war against Serbia.
-Contributed to crisis by making delay between Sarajevo murder and Austrian ultimatums(immediate strike on Serbia may have averted a world war).
-First power to resort to force.
Who was to blame for the first world war. Russian responsibility?
-Russia unable and somewhat unwilling to restrain or control Serb/Slav nationalism.
-Russia’s promise of support influenced Serbia’s decision to reject the Austrian ultimatum.
Who was to blame for the first world war. French responsibility?
Hard to blame France for the first world war.
-By 1890 agitation to win back Alsace Lorraine faded and France showed no despite for a war of revenge.
-France promised support to Russia in 1914 but did not encourage Russia to fight.
-French president and prime minister were away at sea during 23-29th July so played a minor role in events.
Who was to blame for the first world war. Britain responsability?
Britain could not do much to prevent a war nor cause one.
-Some say Britain could have restrained Germany by making it clear Britain supported France.
-However German leaders expected and were unconcerned about Britain intervention .
-The British force was only 150,000n strong half the size of the Belgium army, and unlikely to affect the Schlieffen plan.
Who was to blame for the first world war. Serbian responsibility?
-Serbia’s aggressive expansion unsettled the Balkans prior to 1914.
-Serbian government could have accepted the Austrian ultimatum.
World war one who guided the peace making process?
March 1919 peace making process guided by a top 4, Wilson, Lloyd George, Clemenceau and Orlando.
What problems arose weeks after the armistice?
-Habsburg Emperor of Austrian Hungarian empire abdicated causing several nationalities to declare independence.
-Bolshevism had spread in Russia and fear it would spread further.
-Commitments made during war ensuring peace were at odds with Wilsons 14 points,(especially self-determination).
-Conflicting views form the 3 main players made it harder to sort out.
Treaty of Rapallo
signed in 1922between Germany and Russia.
-Both nations gave up claims for war reparation’s and promised each other special treatment in economic matters.
-Both government’s agreed to normalise diplomatic relations and co-operate in mutual goodwill in meeting economic needs of both countries.
-Secretly the two sides established elaborate military cooperation, while publicly denying it.
Treaty of St.Germain
Signed 1919 by allied powers(Britain, France, America) and Austria.
-Declared Austrian Hungarian empire to be split into Austria and Hungary and smaller nations.
-Article 88 gave Austria independence, which prevented it form joining with Germany.
-Article 177 meant Austria was to accept war guilt along with other central powers.
-Austrian army limited to 30,000 volunteers no navy.
Treaty of Triannon?
signed 1920 between Entente leaders and new Hungarian government.
-Hungary to pay war reparation’s.
-Hungarian Army limited to 35,000 men.
-Hungary to hand over territory to its neighbours losing 3/4 of there land(60% of its people).
-Burgenland, handed over to Austria building up resentment between the two countries.
Treaties of Sevres and Lausanne?
-August 1920 treaty of Sevres signed by Sultan(Ottoman leader) giving up all claims to non Turkish territory.
-Turkish leader ‘Mustaf Kamal’ led nationalist rebellion for Turkey and overthrew the result of this treaty.
- He Signed Treaty of Lausanne in July 1923 regaining some land but allowing other countries to control parts of its affairs.
What were Wilsons 14 points?
-Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at.
-Freedom of the seas.
-Removal of all economic barriers.
-reduction of national armament to as low as possible.
-Impartial adjustment of all colonial claims.
-The evacuation of all Russian territory.
-Evacuation and restoration of Belgium.
-Liberation of France and return Alsace and Lorraine to France.
-Readjustment of the frontiers of Italy to conform to recognisable lines of nationality .
-People of Austria-Hungary opportunity of autonomous development.
-Evacuation of occupation forces from Romania, Serbia and Montenegro, Serbia free access to seas.
-Autonomous development for non-Turkish peoples of the Ottoman empire; free passage of the Dardanelles to ships and commerce of all nations.
-Independent Poland with free access to sea.
-General association of nations to be formed to guarantee its members political independence and territorial integrity(Origin of the League of Nations).
Creation of the League of Nations?
1920s based in Geneva LoN(League of nations)g established itself as an international organisation capable of resolving disputes between minor powers and promoting a wide range of humanitarian and economic activities. Public came to believe the League could solve peacefully all the worlds problems. League capable of resolving disputes between minor powers it was unable to deal with aggressive actions of its members(Italy’s seizure of Corfu in 1923).
What was the Locarno Treaties 1925?
1925 leading countries met in Locarno Switzerland and came up with some important agreements;
-Germany accepted borders with France and Belgium laid out in treaty of Versailles.
-Germany accepted Rhineland would remain demilitarised zone.
-France and Germany agreed to settle any future disputes through the LoN(league of nations)
What were the impacts of the Locarno treaties?
-France very enthusiastic about the agreements, when news of agreements reached France church bells rang in celebration, seemed to solve problems left over from ww1.
-France felt it had been given guarantee of border security.
-Agreements paved the way for Germany to join LoN in 1926.
-Brought a lot of hope for future relations and a new perfect international order.
Disarmament in the 1920s?
-League largely failed in bringing about disarmament in 1920s.
-1921 conference USA, Japan, Britain and France agreed to limit size of their navies.
-1923 Leagues first attempt at a disarmament treaty, was accepted by France and other nations, rejected by Britain as it tied them to defending other countries.
-1926, plans made for disarmament conference, took 5 years to agree to ‘draft convention’ but 1933 rejected by Germany.
Failure of disarmament pretty damaging to leagues reputation but the Kellogg-Briand pact and Locarno treaties brought this reputation up as they promised a peaceful world.
What was the Kellogg-Briand pact?
1928 agreement in which countries who signed promised not to use war to resolve ‘disputes or conflicts which may arise among them’.Signed by Germany, France and United states and most other nations soon after.
Was there any problems of the Kellogg-Briand pact?
-Nothing in the pact about what would happen if a state broke the terms of the agreement.
-Did not help the League with disarming countries.
-States all agreed to keep there armies for self defence.
What were the 3 events that brought Europe to the edge of WWII?
-Czechoslovakia and Sudetenland
-German Soviet Pact
What was Anschluss?
The union of Germany and Austria.
Why was Anschluss possible?
-French inactivity over invasion of Rhineland suggested they would not act on union with Austria.
-French and British diplomats kept busy with domestic problems brought by depression and economic downturns.
-11th march Austrian Nazi leader set up a barley legal government and called on Hitler to dispatch German troops to restore law and order in Austria.
What was the impact of Anschluss?
-Marked a clear escalation of Nazi policy as it was the removal of an actual state set up by ww1 peace treaties.
-British government merely lodged a formal protest.
-Hitlers confidence growing endangering European peace.
How did Hitler gain control of Czechoslovakia and Sudetenland?
-Sudeten party for ethnic Germans increased demands for qual treatment and full independence, Czech president faced up to these demands and was faced down by Hitler.
-invaded Sudetenland, Munich conference called.
-with the spirit of appeasement in mind they agreed to Hitlers demands granting him much more then he was looking for.
consequences of the Munich conference?
-Allies had broken their obligations to Czechoslovakia.
-Czech lost 70% of its iron steel and resources.
-Popular relief at avoidance of war was short lived.
-guarantees made to Greece, Poland and Romania in light of this suggested any future crisis would be confronted with much greater resolution.
What was the German soviet pact?
with Britain and France renewing support for Poland, Hitler wanted to make sure he was not attacked by USSR.
-German soviet pact was a non-aggression treaty lasting ten years.
-In private decided divide Poland into spheres in which USSR and Germany would have influence.
-Hitler given confidence to attack Poland, Hitler and Stalin thought polish invasion would be solved without general war.