Unit 1.1 - The Grand Alliance; Tehran, Potsdam and Yalta Flashcards
In a Communist system, individual people do not own land, factories, or machinery. Instead, the government or the whole community owns these things (a way of creating and sharing wealth).
All factors of profit generation (production, industry, business and agriculture) are owned by private industries/individuals or firms who run them for their own personal gain. “Every person for themselves.”
The Grand Alliance
1941 - 1945
Winston Churchill (British Prime Minister)
Joseph Stalin (Leader of the Soviet Union and President of Russia)
Franklin Roosevelt (President of U.S.A)
Roosevelt Key Aims pre-Tehran Conference
Weaken the Japanese - Bombing of Pearl Harbour/ Japanese was threateningly and rapidly taking over Asia as Hitler was Europe.
Stalin Key Aims pre-Tehran Conference
Spread communism and become a superpower.
Churchill Key Aims pre-Tehran Conference
Strengthen the British Empire - deeply suspicious of Stalin’s intentions and even throughout the time that the Grand Alliance existed, he wanted to stop Soviet expansion.
Tehran Conference Date
NOV 1943 - WW2 still occurring
Tehran Conference: What was agreed?
- An area of war-torn Eastern borders of Poland was added to the Soviet Union.
- Second front was opened through France in 1944 (Britain and USA) to help further weaken Germany from the West as they were attacking Western Russia.
- Soviets to wage war against Japan once Germany was defeated.
- A United Nations organisation was to be set up after war.
Tehran Conference: Germany
There was no formal agreement about what would happen to Germany and countries East of Germany once they were defeated.
Tensions at Tehran Conference
Positive relations and cooperation between the powers.
Yalta Conference Date
FEB 1945
Before Nazi Germany was defeated.
Yalta Conference: What was agreed?
- Eastern Europe = ‘Soviet Sphere of Influence’.
- Soviets to enter war against Japan.
- Agreed that Germany would be divided into four zones.
- Berlin to also be divided into four.
- Nazi war criminals to be hunted down and punished.
- Countries freed from Nazi occupation to hold free elections.
- Reparations to be paid for the damage caused by the war by Germany.
Still talk of UN
Yalta Conference: Disagreements
Poland borders to return to those of 1921 and free elections to be held BUT Stalin expected pro-communist government to be established whereas Churchill supported non-communist London Poles.
Stalin wanted higher reparations than Roosevelt or Churchill.
Potsdam Conference Date
After Nazi Germany was defeated.
Potsdam Conference: Changes since Yalta
Might influence tensions:
1) Stalin’s armies were occupying most of Eastern Europe.
2) Truman, who is strongly anti-communist, replaced Roosevelt.
3) Truman suspicious of Stalin.
4) USA had dropped its Atomic Bomb starting the early stages of the arms race between the two powers - didn’t inform Stalin which caused tension because this seemed as though Truman was planning separately from Stalin regardless of the alliance. Stalin suspicious of Truman’s intentions.
Potsdam Conference: What was agreed?
- Division of Germany - Each of the four zones of Germany and separately Berlin was occupied and administered by one of the allies.
- Germany would pay reparations to the Allies in equipment, materials and finances mostly to the Soviet Union which had suffered most.
- Democracy to be re-established in Germany.
- Nazis would be removed from society and put on trial for war crimes.
- UN formed.
Atlee replaced Churchill; Truman replaced Roosevelt.
Potsdam Conference: Disagreements and Tensions
- Truman objected to the arrangement for Poland’s borders regardless of what had been agreed at Yalta.
- Truman saw the Soviet Red Army as one of occupation.
- Truman told Britain about the successful testing of the Atomic Bomb in New Mexico, USA but not Stalin.
USA Drops Atomic Bomb
1945 - Tested in desert in New Mexico before being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 1945.
USA had military advantage over USSR. Stalin feels threatened so more determined to expand his own military and to have Eastern Europe ‘buffer zone’.
ARMS RACE Initiated.