Unit 11 Test Flashcards
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- Which kind of behavior is probably the least influential in human behavior?
- The cavity in the skull which contains the brain is the
cranial cavity
- The body cavity that contains the heart and the lungs is the
thoracic cavity
- The fingers in relation to the elbow are (direction)
- The type of tissue that includes bone, cartilage, blood, and lymph is called?
- The type of tissue that covers the body and lines the digestive tract is
- Name the major types of tissues found in the human body.
- connective
- epithilial
- muscle
- nervous
- Which one of the skin layers carries on mitosis, supplying cells that will eventually be sloughed off?
stratum germativum
- The layer of skin that is made up of dead cells is the
horny layer
- Skin and hair are part of the which system?
- The layers of the skin, in correct order from superficial to deep, are
- epidermis
- dermis
- subcutaneous
- What helps keep the hair soft?
sebaceous gland
- Mild burns (like most sunburns) affect only as deep as the
- A pigment that the skin uses in protection against exposure to ultraviolet radiation is
- What are the functions of the bones?
- support
- manufacturing blood cells
- protecting organs
- storing minerals
- What is the epiphyseal plate and why is it important?
- end of long bones
- bone growth
- The tough fibrous tissue covering the outside of a bone is the
- A tissue that fills the central cavity of long bones as a person grows older and is primarily composed of fat cells is
Yellow bone marrow
- A tissue that is active in the formation of red blood cells is the
red bone marrow
- The major mineral substance deposited in bone is
- The posterior region of the zygomatic arch is made up of the
temporal bone
- What is the hole in a vertebra called?
neural arch
- The bone called the calcaneus has as its common name the
heel bone
- The joint between the humerus and the radius is a
hinge joint
- A connection between two or more bones or between cartilage and bone is called a
- Tough strands of connective tissue that hold the bones of ball-and-socket and hinge joints in place are called
- The joints between the various carpals and between the various tarsals are called
gliding joints
- The type of joint illustrated between the atlas and the axis is a
pivot joint
- A hinge joint is located in the
knee and elbow
- A band of connective tissue between the fleshy portion of a muscle and a bone is
- A secretion that lubricates a joint and acts as a shock absorber is
synovial fluid
- What [kind of] muscles move your fingers?
- Muscle that is striated and voluntary is said to be
- What does smooth muscle do and where is it found?
- no concious control over smooth muscle (lines organs, etc.)
- Involuntary
- Muscle that is involuntary and is found in the walls of the digestive system and blood vessels is said to be
- Myofibrils are fine threads that make up what?
all muscles
- What does the ATP molecule provide to the muscles?
- Name the two structural protein filaments found in muscle cells.
- actin
- myosin
- A movement toward the midline of the body is done by what kind of muscle?
- The biceps brachii is antagonistic to the
triceps brachii
- A muscle that decreases the angle of a joint is called a/an
- The masseter would aid one most in
- The muscle that would adduct the thigh from a wide foot base (feet far apart) would have its origin on the
- Name examples of a sphincter muscles and their locations.
obicularis oris (lips)
- The pectoralis major would help you most in what physical exercise?
- A person who uses his gastrocnemius will have well-developed
- The rectus abdominis would help you most in what physical exercise?
- After a great deal of exercise, the soreness of muscles is caused in part by a build-up of
lactic acid
- An inflamation caused by uric acid crystals deposited in the joints is called
- A broken bone that protrudes through the skin is known as what kind of fracture?
complete compound
- Name all the bones of the body.
label 39 bones from page
- The posterior portion of the soft palate ends at the
- The voice box is another name for the
- The pharynx has a total of how many openings?
- The mouth cavity is separated from the nasal cavity by the
- The trachea, just before entering the lungs, divides into two
- The microscopic sacs in the lungs where blood exchanges gases are the
- The gases within the lung are exchanged with the blood primarily in the
- The membrane that covers the lungs is called the
- The mechanical process by which air is moved into the alveoli and then out again is
- The exchange of oxygen between the blood and the body cells is called
internal respiration
- The air that cannot be forced out of the lungs is said to be (May not be on the test)
- Hemoglobin is the normal carrier of most of the
- The air involved in normal, relaxed breathing during sleep is called
tidal volume
- The forcing of air from the lungs is called
- Which gas forms the strongest bond with hemoglobin?
carbon monoxide (CO) EXTRA CREDIT
- What percentage of people who suffer from lung cancer are smokers?
- When oxygen combines with the red pigment molecule [hemoglobin] in the RBC it is called
- Which are the functions of the nasal passages?
- Name all the organs of the alimentary canal.
mouth pharynx esophagus stomach Duodenum Large intestine Anus -You need to know which organ is not a part ---Pancreas
- Mastication is
- A tooth used for cutting and biting is a/an
- The number of deciduous teeth in a normal, complete set is
- Starting at the front center of the upper jaw and going to the right rear of the mouth, the sequence of the teeth in a normal adult is
2 incisors, 1 cuspid, 2 premolars, 3 molars
- The exposed portion of the tooth above the gum line is the
- The hard material that covers the crown of the tooth is the
- The wavelike contractions of the alimentary canal that move food along are called
- The semiliquid material in the stomach is called
- Microscopic fingerlike structures that increase the surface area of the small intestine and contain blood and lymph vessels are the
- The main function of the esophagus is to
move food
- Most food absorption and digestion occurs mainly in the
small intenstine
- The passing of food from the stomach into the small intestine is controlled by the
pyloric valve/sphyncter
- The portion of the small intestine in which the stomach empties is the
- The function of the small intestine is
chemical digestion and absorption
- Name all of the structures of the villi.
blood vessels
lymphatic vessels
gland cells
- What are the functions of the liver?
- engulfing bacteria and worn out blood cells
- removing drugs/poisons
- converting excess glucose into glycogen and storing it
- Much of the water in the digestive process is reabsorbed in the
large intestine
- Name the functions of the large intestine.
Absorption of water
- A substance essential to the body because it dissolves certain foods and aids in regulating fluid balance, pH level, and body temperature is
- What is food fiber essentially?
nondigestible carbohydrates
- Salivary enzymes begin the breaking down of
- Pepsin in gastric fluid acts on molecules of
- A deficiency of iron in a person’s diet would most noticeably result in
- What are the essential minerals to humans?
Calcium Iron Zinc Sodium Magnesium Phosphorus
- A deficiency in vitamin C can best be remedied by eating
citrus fruits
- What is the difference between fat-soluble vitamins, , minerals, and water-soluble vitamins?
Your body cannot make water-soluble vitamins
- Bile is important in the emulsification of
- An enzyme that acts on fats is
- What is a calorie?
a unit of heat energy
- The energy required to maintain normal body functions is called
Basil metabolic weight
- Why is a diet containing proteins so important?
It allows the body to grow and repair